
Saturday, January 5

weekly stills

Christmas and New Year went by like a flash.  It's nice to look back at the few photos I took.  Not too many, as there was too much going on to pick up the camera and always remember to take pictures.  Sometimes memories are best made enjoying the moment than looking through a lens.  Sometimes you only need a few photos so spark your memory.  This week I reflect back on our glorious family time together...

:: Uncle and nephew in deep and meaningful conversation
:: Three generations : Grandmother, grand-daughter, mother
:: A Christmas present put to use five minutes after receiving it.  It was a hit.
:: Cousins.  Bonds are made in the summer fun.
:: The rewards of picking your own
::  Getting advice from the expert picker...Nonno with my daughter...priceless time spent together
:: After gorging on so many cherries, the remainder were cooked up into a gorgeous cherry compote to drizzle over cheesecake, yoghurt and ice-cream.
::  Early morning visits to the park, watching the water capture the morning sunrise.

Joining in with the ever delightful Em! 



  1. Oh, it went by so quickly! I want to do it all over again. We all agreed it was the best Christmas ever!

    I suspect you had a wonderful time too ;) x

  2. Hey lovely lady, gorgeous photos. Happy 2013! xo

  3. I cant believe Christmas and New Year is behind us and the ads are already appearing for back to school bargains and easter buns! Slow down world, I want to get off!

  4. Oh the slip and slide! We spent Boxing Day having a whale of a time with one. Three generations of ladies..exquisate! And cherry compote has me drooling right now. Beautiful as ever lovely soul. Wishing you a gorgeous week :) x

  5. Love the photos Brenda! Crossing generations is priceless, and having kids be involved in the harvest process is awesome. Being a family that owns a vineyard, I can't wait for my kids to be old enough to be included in a grape harvest (a bit dangerous right now as it's all huge machinery!!)

    Have a great week!


  6. Looks and sounds like you had a lovely week with family. Happy New Year Brenda

  7. Oh those cherries!! yumm! love your collection x

  8. So much summery goodness here m'lady! Slip and slide, blow up pool- we should party together some time!

    xo em


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