
Friday, January 4

me in 2013

twenty thirteen :: what do you have in store for me ::  it's a new year ::  a list of goals and dreams ::  I like to plan :: but I'm a self confessed dreamer :: so often need reminding where solid ground is ::  I have practical goals, some wistful ones ::  big ones, small ones ::  some I've rolled over from last years list :: and some new ones too ::  family goals :: personal goals ::  even career goals {it's been a while} :: loving life :: remaining grateful :: stopping frequently to pause and marvel ::  blessed at my life ::

This is me ::  it's 2013 ::  I'm ready ::



  1. 'stopping frequently to pause and marvel' yes, yes, YES! that kind of living has the power to enact great change. hope 2013 is wonderful for you! x

  2. "remaining grateful" it seems such a small thing, but it's SO vital isn't it ?
    Wishing you a wonderful 2013

  3. Oh, I love these photos, and your thoughts. I'm ready for what 2013 has to share. Actually, looking forward to it. I suspect we are both going to have a whopping big year! xx

  4. You look so lovely and taken by you too!! trying to see what lens you to know xx


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