
Tuesday, December 4

tissue paper tassel garland {tutorial}

I've seen a few fancy shmansy tissue paper garlands out and about lately. Boy do they leave your pockets fleeced.   I do love a bit a decoration that can add a bit of pizzazz no matter what type of year or even when the party and festivities are over.  But surely there had to be a way to create some of that loveliness with only a fraction of the price.  Well, I proved sometimes sense is better than dollars....All you need is a couple of packets of tissue paper and twine (or you can thread this onto whatever string you like). 

I chose four packets of tissue paper at $1.50 a packet
1 ball jute twine for $2
= $8 total and I've got enough to make probably another 3-4 garlands! 

Here is what you do...

::Take your goodies, pick a lovely spot with some beautiful music on, a cuppa next to you and even the kids will enjoy this one. 

  :: cut lengths of tissue paper about 1-2cm wide.  My tissue paper came in three sheets. I cut three lengths and used that as one bunch (so in effect nine lengths of paper).
:: bunch your nine lengths (or you could go more or less) and twist a little in the middle. 

:: make the centre of the paper the top by folding it in half and gather the tails together. Give them a little fluff up if they need it.

:: Get your twine, and leaving some at the start for hanging later, start wrapping around the twisted sections of your tissue paper. 
:: wrap about 8-10 times
:: secure each side of the twine by looping the twine and slipping it over the top

 :: move along the twine and add each of your created tissue tassels in the same way
:: leave as much or as little gap as you like.  I think I could have left less of a gap, but you can always add more tassels to these if you like. 
:: choose a colour pattern or go for a random selection 

 ::  Hang your tissue paper tassel garland and sit back and marvel at your work for less than the price of a cappuccino. 


  1. You are ever inspiring lovely girl! So clever!! Thanks for sharing and hope your day is beautiful :) xx

  2. Love these! We have lots of birthdays if the next few months or so - these would make great party decorations - thanks for sharing! x

  3. These are so cute and I love that they are a little different from the normal garlands floating around. You are also right in that crafting doesn't require a lot of coin. I can see a string of garland tassels in vintage fabrics..thank goodness I have a rather large box of scraps waiting to be used :)
    Thanks for this Brenda.

  4. I really love these! Such a great tutorial... the minute I get done with my crafty Christmas presents, I am going to have a go at these. I think I even have some tissue paper already! xx

  5. LOVE these Bren. They look terrific. x

  6. Thankyou for sharing this. I have been admiring them all over the place, but love that now I know how to make one!


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