
Sunday, December 2

this week

Well this week saw the end of November, the end of Spring and the start of Summer.  Hello countdown till Christmas!!

We also got up to some normal activities during the week, although that thunderstorm of Tuesday morning was a cracker!

:: Baked foccacia bread thanks to an easy recipe from Tania.  It's so simple.  I halved the recipe as it makes enough for four of us for a day (3.5 cups flour, 1.5 cups water, 2tsps yeast, pinch of salt and sugar, and 1/4 oil - mix wait till it doubles and bake for 30 mintues till golden).
:: Enjoying time in my daughters room.  Her room is the only room with a west window and on a glorious sunny day it just has the most amazing glow.
:: The children excited by the thunderstorm and rain we encountered on Tuesday morning before school.
:: Art work framed and adored by all

What did you get up to this week?  More goodness at Em's Shack! 


  1. What a beautiful week you had! And yumbo to fresh foccacia. Your poppets are just so very lovely!! Hope your Sunday is gorgeous :) x

  2. I had a rare night out with my lovely man last night. Dinner out - looking forward to the lead up to Christmas, lots on, lots planned. Happy December! xo

  3. What a beautiful week! I can just imagine being in M's room and enjoying the sunshine and her divine space! Happy December/Summer! It's going to be mad! xx

  4. gee, that foccacia looks perfect, yum! and that framed picture is so lovely, great reminder that i need to do that, too. have a wonderful week. :)sarah

  5. oh the foccacia sounds (and looks) yum!
    and the art makes my heart melt!

  6. That foccacia looks delicious and I love framed childrens art. Makes me happy.

  7. Mmm. That foccacia looks divine. I'm hungry just looking at it. The light in your daughter's room is lovely. Wishing you the best for the week!

  8. I love foccacia. Yours looks delish!

  9. love that 'at em's shack' but not as much as I love that framed artwork- true magic!

    xo em

    p.s thank you so much for joining in :)

  10. Love the photos! It's so great to frame kid's art work - then they see that you really value it!



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