
Wednesday, October 24

snap it {fresh}

Enjoying the chance to plant some fresh produce in our wee little urban garden
Some lettuce, tomatoes, herbs and eggplant
A few carrots and cucumbers too
What grows at your place? 


  1. Oooh - lots of lovely stuff growing
    We're away for two weeks now...just hoping that we're not too late to plant tomatoes when we get back

  2. I love going into the garden to pick a bit of lettuce, herbs or whatever's on offer. Soooo satisfying!

  3. Looks great! Hopefully lots of yummy goodness growing for you!
    We had to rip our vege patch out to make room for our extensions, so nothing growing at the minute! Must at least plant some tomatoes for summer!!

  4. Just what we did over the weekend - planted done new veges! It's been far too long since I've done any gardening, but this glorious sunshine is drawing me out.

  5. looks great Brenda. Good on you for wearing gloves. I have bought so many pairs and always loose them. End up using bare hands.

  6. I love getting the patch ready for yummy vegies!! We have 4 varieties of tomatoes, lebonese cucumbers, red, green and yellow capsicum, beetroot, zucchini, spinach and carrots! And we have a little bit of room left, so maybe a butternut pumpkin could fit in nicely there! Yum, yum, yum!

  7. Everyone's photos are so tasty this week! What a lovely little garden you have. Saying hello from Sarah's x

  8. So fresh and green! Looks great! Aren't we all little green thumbs this week? ;) xo

  9. You make gardening so glamorous girl! Love your photos. Your photos were always good, but they are just amazing these days! x


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