
Thursday, October 25

a change for less

I was getting a bit tired of my bed linen of late.  The subtle hues, the safe neutrals and the consistent way I would safely arrange each pillow on the bed. Every. Single. Morning.

Not anymore. In a light bulb moment, I realised that with a quick trip to Spotty and few hours spent in my sewing room I could transform the mundane effort of making the bed into a creative experience. Seriously, pillows are one of the easiest sewing project to tackle and you get more bang for your buck when you make them yourself!

Five new pillows, each reversible with a different pattern or fabric on each side makes this collection of pillows work twice as hard for minimum effort.  I made simple pillow slips, no zips and the little drummer cushion was once a skirt I adored but many moons ago and had little use sitting in my wardrobe.

I'm mindful I share this lovely space with a very adorable, but manly man.  I always think of him and his tastes when decorating our room.  Florals and girly-ness are always at a minimum but the quilt I made gets good use at the bottom of our bed to add some much needed colour.

All the arrangements you see above are the same pillows in each bar one...which is the Paris inspired print from Provincial Living thats in the first few photos. Having them reversible  means, whatever my mood at bed making time, I can go bright and bold, calm and tonal or a bit of each.  All for the cost of a couple of metres of fabric!

How do you dress your bed?
Do you love changing it up from time to time and adorning some colour combinations?
Joining in with a pile of creative folk here. 



  1. it's amazing how just one new cushion or duvet cover can change the whole look .. in a similar way to new pyjamas i suspect! I don't usually arrange mine, more just plonk the one decorative pillow on top of the functional ones and smooth my (very flowery) quilt over my duvet .. but these have me inspired! I think I could possibly even hand stitch a cushion?

  2. They look great! But, ummm, dress my bed? ... I'd probably have to make it first :o

  3. You my friend are a crafting genius! Those pillows are brilliant! My list of "to makes" is soooo very long at the moment I conceded and purchased some Orla Kiely pillowslips to jazz up our bed. Your ensemble is far more original. Yay to you! HOpe all is lovely gorgeous girl :) xxx

  4. Reversible pillow slips is a fantastic idea!! I like to change it up a bit at bed making time too but at the moment the doona cover we have is the same on both sides. My old one had spots on one side and stripes on the other, that worked well for me!

  5. Great idea! I love pillows too but my lovely man is not so keen on having to "wade" through them to get to bed. I would love a white duvet cover and just be able to change the pillows for a different look. I will however wait till my boys are a little bit older - otherwise there is bound to be smudge marks of some kind on the lovely white cover!

  6. OMG! Look at your beautifully made bed! Oh the shame if you saw mine as a comparison!!! Love love love your bright and marvellous cushions!!!

  7. I often get bored with bed linen too - day in day out making and arranging the same quilt and cushions. I love how you've mixed it up with a fun assortment. Proof of what a difference a bit of colour can make.

  8. Those are SO beautiful. I could no sooner whip up a batch of cushions than fly to the moon. Can you do a tutorial for the non-sewing-brained among us please (or am I in the minority)?
    Have a lovely weekend x

  9. what an excellent idea! i adore the pops of orange,lovely! :)sarah

  10. Oh, I love this. And need to actually buy a sewing machine so I can do this. You're so inspiring!

    As for my linen and pillows. I've had the same ones on my bed for five years and looking for a change! The doona cover is almost threadbare. Once my BNN is over, I'm indulging (and perhaps sewing) some new covers. I love yours! xx


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