
Saturday, October 13

I'm grateful for {girls}

I have a confession.  I've never been on a 'girls weekend'.  nope. never.

And it doesn't bother me.  I don't feel like I've missed out, it's just never held that much interest to me, even though I can see the appeal.

But this week saw me and my girlfriend pack the car and our respective daughters and headed off to a small country town for a sort of girls weekend (mid week and with children!).

There was giggling and dancing, laughing and playing. We had good old fashion fun, spent next to nothing and the girls were just delighted playing in knee high fields of grass.

This week I'm grateful for...

1. Girls - spending a few days with a houseful of girls is just awesome.  I love being a girl.  Gee we know how to have fun.

2. Toblerone - when the girls were off to the land of nod each night, we popped on Pride and Prejudice and got stuck into the toblerone.  Oh life is good.

3. Giggling - the sound of two little girls giggling will always be one of my favourite sounds.

Happy grateful day.

Join in at Village voices. 


  1. they are such joyful things to be grateful for Brenda - they'd be on my list too!

  2. I've never been on one either, Bren - they kind of scare me a little. But your style of girls' weekend I could do for sure! Lovely!! x

  3. What a lovely idea to take your girls with you. xo

  4. I love your girls' weekend! I can imagine doing this with my girls' when they're older!! Hearing them giggling is the best sound, I have to agree x

  5. Sweet! Girls weekends are just as fun with little girls as they are with big ones... trust me!

  6. Can't say I've ever had one either..I think I'd miss my man too much (I can almost hear women of the world groaning at me!). Such a lovely time with your little lady. And choccie and Mr'Darcy...heaven :) x

  7. This sounds like bliss! I love your idea of a wild night out. Give me toblerone and P&P anyday! I hope this is one of many more girlie weekends. X

  8. And which version of P&P did you watch? Was it the BBC edition or Keira Knightley's?

    So glad you had a lovely weekend. xxx


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