
Friday, October 12

a different way..

A few days before the end of Term 3 my daughter asked if we ever could go a different way to school to pick up her brother.   As we trod the same concrete footpath, and past the same houses down the same street and across the same road, I pondered her question.  The next day I grabbed my camera, put on her boots and took her down the long lane way filled with cobblestones, puddles and wonderful new sights for both of us to see. She ate snakes and made sure Dora didn't fall in the water, letting me snap away.

When we picked up her brother she told him all about her new adventure.

Ever make a simple change to add spice to your day?

Happy Friday!


  1. Great plan, always good to try a different path- and beautifully photographed too.

  2. Your pictures are lovely! It is nice to make a change, take in new sights, I love wandering the side streets and admiring peoples homes and gardens, always fun!

  3. Great idea, Bren. I try to 'go a different way' whenever we can. We can cut through an oval and go the 'back way' past the scout hall and interesting bushland. It's great fun, but a little wet in the Wintertime. x

  4. I am not one for routine. Always looking for a different route! I will take your advice and spice things up with the camera though. Never think to capture the daily things... X

  5. What a lovely thing to do! The teacher in me thinks how good an activtiy that would be for the older child, give him and map and get him to plan a different route to school.

    Some days when I am home I like to eat my breakfast outside instead of in. Not very exciting as it just makes me want to fix up our shabby garden but it is nice to have a bit of fresh air help wake me up.

  6. I'm with your daughter - sometimes a change really is as l
    good as a holiday. Unfortunately I have a son who loves and predictability and he gets quite concerned if we deviate from the the usual way.

  7. Clever girl for thinking of going a different way. Apparently this is something we should all be doing as it keeps our minds active!!!

  8. Such beautiful piccies! And good on you for mixing it up. A change of scenery does wonders for the imagination of small people and big ones alike. Hope you're having a gorgeous Monday :) x

  9. What gorgeous shots Bren. I love a different route and am always looking for a new set of scenery. Unfortunately, my boys are creatures of habit, and prefer the same way. Sigh. I'll keep trying though!


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