
Friday, April 13

the market magic


key fobs

bird and owl mobiles

movie quote art


Last Saturday I participated in my first outdoor country market.  Simply put, it was magic.  And even though I've done markets before, it's been quite a while (a year nearly) since my last market and I think I lost my knack!

I think the things I love about markets is the sociability.   The interaction with other stall holders and the connection with those that come to wander.  I had some lovely comments thrown my way and I gobbled them up and will keep them as confidence boosters when I get a crafty slump.  One lady in particular made such a lovely comment about the quality of my goods, my fabric choices and of course my mum piped in that I make all the products myself and look after my two adorable children.  Kudos mum!

I think that's the magic of a market.  Sure it's nice to sell things on line or stock you wares in shops, but seeing someone's face light up because they buy a key fob and realise that they wont lock their keys in the car anymore (well i hope not), or they find a perfect little gift for a grandchild, or even a little something for themselves.  Well, it makes my day.

I was delighted to pick up a bag of local fresh apples, chestnuts we roasted the next day and some lovely hand made soap.  I also scored the most amazing vintage platter for the stellar price of $6 thanks to my mum yet again.

Do you love markets and what do you love about them?

*my made it shop is now open again after a long vacation, but I'm slowly adding items on! 


  1. I think that everything you make is gorgeous! Sally x

  2. Sounds a great market day!! Your key fobs really are fantastic!!

  3. Oh, I'm so glad it went well! I must say that now I have one of your marvellous Key Fobs, I'm not sure how I lived without it. And yes, I was thinking it was soooo well made. Even of sturdy material. It's SO going to last the distance!

    I love the atmosphere at markets. The smell of fresh donuts and coffee, the people they attract. Aaah, makes me want to visit a market pronto!

    So glad you found yourself some hidden treasures to take home with you. xx

  4. i love soap from the market and i think i'm probably going to be jealous of that platter !!


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