
Sunday, April 15

craft room inspiration

Source: via Brenda on Pinterest

I am fortunate that I have my own craft room in my house.  Albeit it is very small, more like a cupboard, but I prefer to focus on the positives, and that is, that it is a room entirely for me and my craft.

It measures 1.7 by 2.1 - see cupboard like.  But it's my crafty paradise.  Although more crafty cyclone devestation is more accurate.  It is in major need of an overhaul.  It's getting to the point where I can't find what I need easily, I'm buying stuff I already have....and it's just not as functional as it could be.

So I have be clearing some rubbish out and making a list of the things I think will make my craft room more inspirational.  I'll be putting things in close reach...things like scissors and pins, tape measure and threads.  I want a more cohesive area for my fabrics, big and small, and a little area for planning, packaging and for storage of books, magazines and patterns.  Perhaps an inspiration board, a spot for projects on the go and just making it look pretty too.

And of course I turned to pinterest.  For a while I've been collecting some inspirational pictures of craft rooms around the globe to see what tricks might work for me!

What's your craft area secret?
Please share!


  1. Amazing craft room I've been in was the studio at Lark House in Daylesford...we rented the house in January and it is so beautifully kitted out in the usual Lark retro/boho style.
    We don't have the room at the moment but I would dearly love one...maybe one day I could turn our attic storage into my craft space.

  2. Get away with you! I just died and went to crafting heaven!

    You know, I used to laugh a bit to myself about American women who had 'craft rooms'. I thought that was just hysterical.



  3. Oh, I would love a craft room. Where I could leave my sewing set up! But, at the moment I have my sewing machine in the lounge, and my fabric and notions stored on a Bunnings $15 metal frame unit in a laundry cupboard. There isn't anything aesthetically pleasing about it:)

  4. I am drooling at these craft spaces. I have a cupboard. That's all. I would love a whole room. Thanks for the craft room eye-candy. BTW I love Lark House - have pics of it on a Pinterest board. Am v jealous of Libby having stayed there.

  5. ok these are totally awesome! I totally want to get into crafting now! I have seen the pin board idea before and love it! have to do it for the play room x

  6. I love that you have a crafting cupboard, I mean room. I have a wrapping desk. That's it. And it's usually a big mess because there's a work in progress. Either jewellery being fixed (always jewellery that needs to be fixed), and a card or two. Lately, there's quite a bit of pirate paraphernalia going on.

    Gosh, crafting is good for the soul. I must get me a crafting cupboard like yours! xx


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