
Thursday, October 6

my creative space {a portable solution}

I would consider myself an opportunistic person.  I seem to find a way of multi-tasking,  and prepare for an opportunity to sneak in some "me time" when the chance arises. I'm the one who brings a book to the doctors waiting room, and loves to do a spot of craft whilst out and about.

Which brings me to my dilemma.  The portable craft!

You see, since blogging and my keen interest to learn more crafts, I tag along to a few crafty groups, and I'm always taking a craft along with me when we hit the road for day trips or travelling back to the country to visit family.  But the day of cramming a craft in my hand bag came to a dramatic realisation when the other day.....I packed a craft in a plastic bag.  Oh the Horror!

So when I spotted this little beauty-case at a country thrift store for the bargin price of 50 cents, I snapped it up, with a purpose in mind.

I lined the lid, sewing on some cute little pockets.  A felt strip for keeping pins and needles handy.  A ribbon to tie up my measuring tape and a handy little slip for a pen or marker.

I covered a small yoghurt container in matching fabric just using craft spray glue, and found bits and pieces like a little rectangle wicker basket for storing handy bits and bobs.

I filled it with various goodies....scissors, threads, tape, pins, fabric, notebook, clips, buttons, pen, fabric marker and more.

This Blue Crafty Bag, is now ready for portable craft adventures. 

And for even more craft adventures please visit this amazing place! 



  1. Oh totally LOVE LOVE LOVE and WANT WANT WANT!!!!

  2. Oh! That is the cutest thing ever. I have a small version of a case like that, which I relined in pink satin and store my "jewels" in. But yours has a proper crafty purpose. I love it!

  3. Just perfect! You are so clever:)

  4. I'm with Leonie...I LOVE and WANT this case. Such a brilliant idea and I can't believe you scored that case for a mere 50c :)


  5. I really need one of those!! At the moment all my knitting and crochet bits are hanging out in a green reusable shopping bag... the shame...eeeek! :)

  6. Oh, that is undeniably gorgeous. I have a case just like that, only in white, hmmm, now there's an idea!:)Sam

  7. WHAT LEONIE SAID!!! what an inspired idea. I am going to be haunting the op-shops looking for a suitable case to do-up in this fashion now, awesome x

  8. That is PERFECT!
    Brilliant idea - we'll all be on the look out for beauty cases now!

  9. Brilliant!! I love this idea, I have a red case just like it out in the garage with my old tap shoes in it, perhaps it could be of better use...

  10. Completely adorable!! Perfect for crafting on the go!

  11. This is the next best thing. You are soo clever.


  12. oh my good giddy aunt !!!
    that is so VERY, VERY awesome !!!
    I am in LOVE with this. Hence all the exclamation marks.
    You are one very clever and crafty lady.

  13. Great idea! I expect that someone one day will take a photo of you crafting out of your little blue box, and you'll pop up on pinterest or something.

  14. This is brilliant, I really need of them too ideal for craft on the go! and 50 cents wow!!Well done xx

  15. What a great idea. Super cute. We move to Vic at the end of the year. Lots of weekend trips to family and friends. I always forget something:)

  16. fab idea, beautifully executed! i'm going to make one too!

  17. You are so clever! Plastic baggies are the height of my portability, but now I have a mission:) Cyndy

  18. Love it! What a great idea. And now I think about it, I have one of those languishing in a cupboard full of old jewellery. It's about to be repurposed. Thanks for the inspiration.

  19. you really ARE awesome! you know I am doing this right!

    miss your smile gorgeous girl ♥

  20. Gorgeous super idea, love what you did. When i have time out, i like to sit and have some still, but oh yeah the crafty lurks everywhere!!

  21. Oh, I LOVE this! You are one clever chickie Bren.

    And what a bargain!


  22. Its gorgeous - clever, clever you

  23. This is such a creative idea and so practical! Thanks for the great tutorial.


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