
Saturday, October 8

I'm grateful for....{bicycles}

Hey, it's that time of the week....time to be stand still and be grateful.  Bron's back too.  Whoo hoo!  Bron, we missed you, but I think we all had a bit of fun with the touring gratefuls too.

So today I'm grateful for...

1.  Bicycles -   My kids love them, I love them, and there is just something special about watching your kids ride around, feeling the air hit their face and be free.

2. Crafting in numbers -  well, it's no surprise I love to craft, but crafting in a group, or even with just one other crafty soul just makes it even the more enjoyable.  I ventured out to a little crafty get together this week with my special tailored bag in tow and its fabulous to be surrounding by so many other crafty types.

3. Breakfast out -  It's not often we go out for breakfast...but the other morning I was particularly feeling like some poached eggs and instead of making them at home...the kids and I went off to a local cafe (kid friendly recommended) and enjoyed kiddy pancakes and eggs florentine for me!  It felt super luxurious...

Please join in the fun!


  1. Nice post. I love bike riding and use to love the times my kids would actually go bike riding with me.

  2. A crafty group must be marvellous! I zipped over to help Retromummy with her Quilting bee for the QLD floods. of course, I could offer nothing in the way of quilting, but I happily made 200 cards to send with them. It felt so fab to be part of a group like that. I hope your crafting group is regular thing, Bren. I think you would love that. x

  3. Lovely to see you this week :) Also love the crafty case. I can't believe you found it for 50c - good old country oppies.

  4. Oooh craft nights! While I love the idea of them, I feel quite craft deficient when I'm there. Girls scrapping, doing needlework. I just bake a cake and hope it's good!

    But as for bikes and any meal out - amen sister!

    Miranda looks adorable in that picture!


  5. That crafty bag really does look fantastic - you've thought of everything! Lucky I didn't spill my drink on it ;) Was great to see you at Lou's!

  6. Mmmm. Cannot go past eggs florentine, and like you am definitely grateful for any opportunity to go out for some. Blog hopping today and found your blog. Enjoying a lot. Milina x

  7. Mmmm. Cannot go past eggs florentine, and like you am definitely grateful for any opportunity to go out for some. Blog hopping today and found your blog. Enjoying a lot. Milina x


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