
Thursday, July 14

my creative space.....{giveaway planning}

Yep, you heard right.....I'm planning a giveaway!

To celebrate my up-coming notable birthday.....the birthday with an "0" on the end, I thought what a better way, than to have a bloggy party, invite all my wonderful bloggy friends and have loads of fun.

And give too!

So over the next few days, there will be a great selection of giveaway treats for you!

Make sure you come past, each day as their will be a giveaway post for the next 4 days.  You can enter one or all, take your pick!  Here's a hint of whats on offer...

It's a Foodie Friday
Saturday will be about Fun
Sunday - get all Fancy with Fashion....
Monday - Crafty goodness

Let the Party Begin!

One of these little birdy or elephant mobile will be in the giveaway!

For more creative spaces click this way...


  1. A party sounds like fun!!

    Great minds think alike...I am planning my very first giveaway but still deciding on the prize.


  2. foodie friday sounds good to me ... i did some crafty stuff today for your special day (don't panic I'm not making the whole present !!!!!!!!!!) ...

  3. You're turning 20?! That's so exciting for you, Bren!

    Me too, BTW. We are just weeks apart. x

  4. So Brenda, do we get to celebrate on your actual birthday on Friday? When is the ACTUAL day??? Turning 20 of course, because you do not look a day older - you beautiful thing!



Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx