
Friday, July 15

Giveaway Pt 1 {Foodie Friday}

Ok, so here it is....the begining to my bloggy birthday party and we are kicking it off, with a foodie theme.

Here at Mira Narnie Land, we love our food, I love cooking (and more importantly eating) and I love sharing recipes and great products.

My friends at Bakers Delight approached me to try some of their new ready made pizza bases, and without a doubt I jumped at the chance!!!  I love Bakers Delight - you try walking past their stores and not stopping for some tasty scones, loaves, crusty bread or my kids favourite, the cheesymite scroll!

So the other night, we had a "pizza night" and got all the yummy ingredients out on the bench (took all of five minutes).  These pizza bases are par-cooked, so if you like, you can roll them out a little thinner, add your topping and then bake in a hot oven for 10-15 minutes......

what could be easier mid-week?

Here are our creations.  I made some lovely home-made pizza base the kids added, ham, mushroom cheese and olives.

Hubby and I had procuttio, cheese, mushrooms, asparagus and caramlised onions.

Yum yum!

Now the giveaway part!  I've got 5 x $5 vouchers to give away! Also, if you make your own pizza using the Bakers Delight Pizza Bases, you can enter on their Facebook page, and possibly win $5000!

Entry is simple:

1. Follow my blog (if you don't alreay)
2.  Leave me a comment...

That's it....

ps - Come back tomorrow for Part 2 of my Bloggy Birthday Giveaway!


  1. Happy Birthday to you - love the look of your asparagus pizza! Yummo!

  2. mmmm Pizza ♥
    is today your bday?

  3. Yep, I'm in. Pizza is fab and I love Baker's Delights stuff. Is stuff the right word? Can't say I'd go the asparagus, but a plain mushroom does it for me every time. x

  4. Hope you had a lovely birthday!!
    That part cooked base is a great idea! (and so are your toppings - yum!)x

  5. Happy Bloggy birthday. Homemade pizza is the meal of choice chez quilary. The dough gets made in the bread maker but the rest is easy. I can easily cater to the vegetarians and the meat-etarians in my house, and they have to do all the work building their pizzas with pizzaz.

  6. I didn't know Bakers Delight made those. Great idea pizza really is a family favourite.

  7. We had homemade pizza tonight - the kids love to help. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


  8. Is this only for Australian residents too? Hoping the vouchers can be used in NZ but don't think so.
    Anyway, yay for you turning 30 (soon?). I turned 30 in March and it rocks!! Had the best party ever and have never felt so loved and secure in who I am as I do now xx

  9. Happy Birthday to you!! I stop at bakers delight almost every week on the way to the supermarket to grab something to keep frog & bear occupied while we traipse around the supermarket. Works every time!

  10. I follow your blog now :) Love for you to visit me some time :) Bread, nom, nom, nom

  11. Oh yay, love bread & there is nothing quite the child pleaser as a cheese & bacon roll from Baker's Delight. We make our own pizzas (our children don't really like store bought ones) & i have the most delicious fetta in the fridge (at all times, at the ready) to top off a delicious pizza at home. Great offer, thanks, love Posie

  12. Oh yay, love bread & there is nothing quite the child pleaser as a cheese & bacon roll from Baker's Delight. We make our own pizzas (our children don't really like store bought ones) & i have the most delicious fetta in the fridge (at all times, at the ready) to top off a delicious pizza at home. Great offer, thanks, love Posie

  13. I am always down for some pizza dough!! xo m.

  14. Whenever I see what you're up to in your kitche, I always wish I was over there smelling and partaking of all that wonderful goodness... xx

  15. Pizza has become a favourite in my house with a certain 2 1/2 year old!

  16. We made pizza on the weekend from scratch and let me tell you we had flour from one end of the kitchen to the other! Bring on the bakers' delight pizza bases!!! Salivating at the thought. Much love to you generous soul :) x

  17. Love the idea of getting readymade without any preservatives!


Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx