
Thursday, August 22



It's time to say farewell to this blogging space.  I had planned to do it better, but time just hasn't allowed.  I had so many more posts I wanted to write, share and enjoy with you all, but time isn't on my side.  I need to prioritise and when I can't even find time to come and visit you as much as I would like, then it's not about squeezing in posts when I can.  To me that isn't blogging.  I always knew at the start of this year that by the end of it, I would say goodbye to MiraNarnie....that it would stop. more.  But now I am actually having to do it, it's with a heavy heart.  She's carried me through so much, brought me so much joy, inspiration and challenged me to a whole new way of connecting with like minding (and even not so like minding) individuals.   And the people.  Whoa the people I've meet, the friends I've made....that was the surprise package that I didn't expect when I blindingly and naively jumped into the blogging scene.

The consolation is that my blogging journey is not officially ending.  Just this space is.

So whilst I literally pack my family up from our life in Melbourne, the time is here to say goodbye.  Life at the moment is crazy busy with all the shenanigans that come with moving, changing schools and building a house.   I will be blogging from 13 acres as much as time allows.   Our new family blog is all about our new life in a small country town and our documentation on our new build, planning our veggie garden, farm animals and general goings on.  

I wont forget you all.  I'll still try and visit you, when I get the just might not be that often.  

Thank you to those that read my blog, followed along, made wonderful comments and were just part of this experience that is hard to leave.

As I close this  I anticipate what the next instalment will bring



  1. Sob! SOB!!!

    I will click on over to 13 Acres. It better be good, lady.


  2. Brenda, I have tears in my eyes reading your words. I have loved your gorgeous space here and am so glad to have found you. I'm already over at 13acres though so looking forward to continuing your journey over there, and of course on IG. Wishing you guys all the very best for the next exciting chapter. Mel xxx

  3. I'm so pleased you will still continue to blog and I can follow your adventures elsewhere. You were one of my very first followers and your blog on of my very first reads. I have loved reading your blog space and look forward to seeing you and your beautiful family on your new adventure. All the very best with your move to the country. You won't regret it. It is a wonderful place to be. Elaina xo

  4. I'm so very glad for this blog of yours, because of it i got to meet you sweet and lovely Brenda. I'm glad you and your family are living your dream and making it a reality. all the very best with your new chapter and i look forward to reading all about your adventures.
    big hugs beautiful girl x

  5. I just dropped my bottom lip and had a little cry! See you in your new space lovely lady! Please tell me you'll still be instagramming???!! I couldn't cope if you completely disappeared!

  6. And as a new chapter closes, another one begins. How wonderful! I'm glad you blogged here, otherwise we would never have met and become friends. I look forward to each installment at 13 acres, and understand if you don't have time to blog like you use to! See you on the other side. xxx

  7. Good luck Brenda! Am reading along at 13 Acres. xo

  8. An exciting new chapter in your lives..enjoy! x

  9. Such a beautiful space Mira narnie has been! And one which have me such joy and inspiration and a beautiful, dear friend. I so look forward to following your new adventures peppered with the enthusiasm and gorgeous crafty ideas that brought me to you in the first place. Wishing you so much joy lovely friend x x

  10. Obviously I'm not reading blogs as much anymore either as I'm a bit late to the party here! Wonderful to get to know you through this little space Brenda!!! I'm following you over on. 13 acres and Instagram so will still be in touch. It's such an exciting adventure you're embarking on. Dreams becoming reality! Go you! Hope the first day of new school went ok today! xo


Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx