
Tuesday, May 7

taking a leap....

Over the last few months this little family of mine have been discussing our soon to be change of life a lot.  Almost daily, certainly littered with many many questions, what if's and I wonders.  Husband and I are eagerly planning each stage, and also like excited children can't help our minds wandering off in the clouds with the endless possibilities that await us.

About a month ago, an urge to join our land sooner than planned really took hold.  Perhaps it was the building progress or just the inability to get there as often as we liked that frustrated us.  We're not sure, but it was uncanny that both of us were feeling the same way.  The same want to move sooner.  We spoke of obstacles in our way, of what changing plans would mean, of when the house was scheduled to be completed.  We discussed it all, but it didn't dissipate our desire.  Emotions are a powerful force.

The truth is our hearts had already packed their bags and moved to this town.

And so will we.  We're taking a leap, and moving our family sooner.  Come September we will re-locate our family with the kids joining the local community school and kinder for the end of year term before Summer holidays.  We'll spend a few months living in our quaint but small holiday flat above the fish and chip shop in the main street.  We'll enjoy daily visits to our land watching our home being built.  The vegetable garden will be tended to each day, and be ready come Spring.

If I have brief moments of doubt, I simply remember we are following our hearts and it's leading us home.

Where does your heart reside?  Is it where you live or somewhere else?


  1. Brenda, this is such exciting news! I'm so happy for you. Your words resonate with me so much as it is exactly what happened with us while we were in Sydney.....our heart wasn't in it and we decided we would try and move back but thought it would take some time to sort jobs out. But like you, our hearts had already packed their bags and so we just upped and left within 3 weeks. My heart resides firmly where we are now. So happy that you will be where yours lies sooner. Mel x

  2. Oh Brenda, it's official (now that it's on your blog). Gosh, you've written it so beautifully. Follow your heart. It will lead you home. Just beautiful. xxx

  3. So happy for you Brenda! It will be wonderful I am sure of it. xo

  4. I love that you are following your hearts
    We did - and we're home and happy

  5. Congrats, what an exciting time for you. Enjoy, even your time above the fish shop. And think how lovely it will be to have established areas around your yard when you move in. You're doing something I'd love to have the courage for.

  6. How exciting for you! Even the fish and chip flat sounds like a pretty cool adventure. I remember when we were building, we at first planned to stay in our suburban rental in Canberra. But as it drew closer to the build we realized that we really needed to be nearby. Daily checks are pretty important if you can manage them. It is so exciting seeing the progress each day. It was a challenging time, but I would probably do it again if given the chance :)

  7. I totally get your thinking.
    Establishing and tending the vegetable garden and even maybe planting and being able to water fruit trees as early as you can would be what i'd do in your situation too.


Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx