
Tuesday, May 14

life changing

On the weekend the Husband and I packed our bags, our boots and our knives in the name of education and discovery on our food journey.  We joined fourteen other enthusiastic folk who were passionate about understanding another way to approach the food we buy, cook and eat.  Not many times in life would I imagine I would experience a life changing situation like I found myself in.  I have walked away inspired...determined to live with a better respect towards food and how I nurture my family.  In a way returning to basic principles that perhaps your grandparents and mine would have adopted.  

Our weekend was filled with talk of food, foraging, hunting and taking from nature what you need and only what you need.  There was laughter around the campfire as we shared our hopes and dreams in regard to living a semi sustainable life.   A common thread amongst us. 

Ro, our leader, teacher and inspiration was humble as he is candid.  His passion for food, hunting, foraging and respect for sacrificing animals is evident.  He taught us to dispatch chooks and skin rabbits with upmost care and the joy upon his face when searching and spotting mushroom under the pines was palpable.  He loves what he does. 

We have come away with visions for our food future.  This future is ours and it will be what we make of it. 

*Of course these are the "nice" pictures of the weekend.  I will post the not so nice ones on my other blog later in the week, if you so wish to see them.  If not, I understand. 


  1. What an amazing weekend you must have had! You give yourself 110% percent to everything you do lovely friend and I find that so inspiring. Will love watching your journey unfold :) xx

  2. Sounds amazing Brenda and your photos are fabulous! That hut is rather wonderful. I have done something similar at The Agrarian Kitchen here in Tassie a few years ago and it was similarly life-changing. Melx

  3. "This future is ours and it will be what we make of it" Hear hear!!! Off to look at the 'other' pics now ;-)

  4. Amazing experience, Bren. I am so excited for this journey you're on. You look gorgeous up there. The perfect mix of style and substance. x


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