
Monday, April 8

breathing new life

This week felt very cathartic.  We've spent time away over the holidays on our patch of dirt that we'll soon call home.  Now that we have a pump attached to the bore water, we could plant some trees and plan our orchards.  It feels that each moment we spend on this country plot we are breathing new life into it and creating a small little system that one day will feed my family...

1. A gorgeous salad enjoyed by candlelight
2. Picnic enjoyed outdoors
3. Marvelling at the gift of a new life and celebrating my besties new baby son.
4. Watching him and suddenly catching my breathe at just how much he has grown
5. Roasting chestnuts on the fire on the most perfect Autumnal day

Linking up with Em @ The Shack



  1. Lovely photos of your week. Loving all that Autumn brings. That salad looks delicious. As does that perfect little baby boy xo

  2. All that outdoorsy stufflooks so lovely! Your besties baby loos gorgeous too.

  3. that salad, those chairs you found ! and outdoor fires !! hello ... perfection

  4. So many wonderful beginnings. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos. Xxx


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