
Wednesday, April 3

autumn calling

Signs of Autumn are fast approaching.  The chilly morning breeze, the shorter days.  Leaves are turning amber and slippers are hunted for in the back of cupboards and under beds and more cup of tea are enjoyed.  Cooler days call for wintery like craft and what could be more welcome than a new beanie to keep your head warm on a frosty morning.

A beanie for me, hubby the kids and also my nieces (if you're on Instagram you'll have noticed all my crochet beanie posts!).  Crochet is the perfect holiday and portable craft.  It requires just a hook, yarn and scissors popped in bag and can be accomplished whilst passenger on a road trip, or curled up on the couch and even as I so put the test during Easter festivities taking orders from special nieces.  I used patterns for most, and made it up if I needed to, but the result was lovely homemade beanies for all my lovelies.

Do you have any wintery craft projects on the go?

linking up with Kirsty here 

yellow beanie pattern here
similar men/boys beanie pattern here
girls beanie pattern from here (modifed the rainbow beanie by using a verigated yarn instead of using various coloured yarn) 


  1. Oh I adore your beautiful beanies! Such a clever Mumma you are lovey Bren. And your land looks magnificent. One day we will visit :) xx

  2. what lovely beanies - lovely holiday crafting action.

  3. I have to admit I'm still far too hot to wear (or make) a beanie, but i am so enjoying these cooler mornings and nights! Your beanie looks great x

  4. I agree that crochet is the perfect portable craft and love that each beanie has it's own personality.
    I've only just picked up the needles again myself but can't wait to start on more cooler weather projects.

  5. Oh, that sounds like the perfect craft while driving up and back from your 13 acres! Those beanies are super gorgeous, as is your beautiful family! Xxx


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