
Monday, March 11


This long weekend we made passata.  Enough to last us the year.  It's a wonderful tradition and whilst probably not done in order to save costs, the taste of it is purely like nothing you can buy in the shops.  We've been making passata with my in-laws for a while now, but next year we're planning on being equipped with our own set up.  My father-in-law (bless him) uses the same manual tomato miller he has had for many many years (and added his own additions and modifications).  I'm eyeing off an electric model which can also be used as a meat mincer and is much more efficient.    We are looking forward to setting up our own preserving kitchen, keeping the tradition going.

Passata making was followed by an afternoon of making fresh pasta with the kids and a wonderful meal shared amoungst three families.



  1. LOVE this. Always wanted to go along to one...enjoy! x

  2. What a wonderful tradition this is, and lovely that you are keeping it going.
    The colour of the passata is amazing. it says Autumn to me.

  3. I love this tradition Brenda, and so thrilled to think that you will continue it with your children. Yes, it's not economical, but it's full of wonderful memories, not to mention passing on the traditions. xx

  4. What a magic experience! I will join you to do this one day lovely :) xx

  5. Wonderful tradition. I bet the chatter is great too! xo

  6. Oh I am so jealous! My Italian heritage was all left behind in the assimilation years, although I am so drawn to making pasta, and made my first sauce on the weekend (I watched yours on IG, too!). Big joy! Thanks for sharing your photos, what a lovely experience and piece of cultural knowledge. :)sarah

  7. What a wonderful tradition, definitely one worth preserving. I can only imagine how good it tastes. I hope you have a lovely week planned. Melinda x

  8. One day when we have a glut of tomatoes (yet to happen!) I would love to start a tradition like this. I have seen the many beer bottles full of passata that Daniel's cousins have made, although the tomatoes were bought from a fruit market.
    I do have a tomato mill though!

  9. Looks delicious! I absolutely love the whole process associated with this - family, traditions, food! x

  10. LOVE this so much.
    I've been looking at that machine too.
    My shoulder is killing me at the moment from all that winding.
    One day....

  11. jealous !! did you don a head scarf again missy ?


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