
Sunday, February 24

this week

I've realised this week that I'm awfully forgetful at taking snapshots of my crafty projects.  Looking back at my weekly import of snaps, and lo and behold they are chock full of the kids and food.  Hmmmmm, perhaps due to the fact that the camera does a lot of sitting on the kitchen bench at my house.   Rest assured there are crafty projects happening in Casa MiraNarnie...they just aren't recorded here...perhaps next week.

1. making a pickle...and straining all those wonderful herbs and spices that make it so good
2. Oh my very dearest friend, her beautiful daughter and the son she is growing in her belly
3. Pancakes + weekends = match made in heaven and the best way to celebrate a Saturday morning
4. My newest purchase - a veggie cleaner.  It works so well you get all the dirt off and you needed even peel your carrots or potatoes!
5.  Those carrots...yum!  They were sliced straight after cleaning and devoured with hommus.
6.  Lazy weekends call for staying in your pj's all day and not brushing your hair.
7.  Wanting to take pictures and so much better than me at navigating her way through technology.

What did you get up to this week?  Joining in with Em @ The Shack 



  1. I'm liking the veggie cleaner concept! Most of the vegetable actually peels off along with the peeler! Where did you find that gadget?

    Sophie xo

  2. Lots of great weekend fun there....thanks for the peek. xxx

  3. I want that vege peeler! I love all day PJ's days. Looking forward to these come winter when the cold weather is a great excuse to stay in. P.S. your parcel should be with you soon xo

  4. Looking all very fun at your place! I'm loving pregnant friends myself at the moment - it means I still get the joy of a newborn without any of the hard yards!!!

  5. Totally agree. Pancakes + weekends = perfect combo!
    Ronnie xo

  6. Nice picture shots especially the picture with your veggie cleaner and the pancakes looks yummy I can imagine eating it.

  7. I am a little in love with your images! You take such beautiful photos Brenda x

  8. There is something about pancakes that just screams 'weekend'. Yum. It looks like you had a deliciously tasty week. Happy days to you Brenda. Melinda x

  9. Our weeks are often so identical! It makes me smile to think of you and I pottering about our kitchens in much the same fashion. Beautiful images lovely soul :) x

  10. I love that vegetable cleaner. So perfect for our home grown produce! And pancakes... yum. I think my blog has more food on it these days for exactly the same reason. My camera is just so handy there! Love lazy weekends. This is our last one until we move. Yippee! xxx


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