
Wednesday, February 20

pictures of you...

You know one art that we are all apart of?  Portraiture.
If you've ever held a camera or phone at someone and taken a snap then you are a portrait photographer. This week I've taken the liberty of friendship to those close to me and asked a few to let me take some portraits of them.  In all sorts of light, in many different ways.
Oh and lets not forget the prop holders, those two wonderful girls were such fun 'on location' so they get an honourary mention.

I'm usually just a happy-go-lucky snap when I can kinda girl, so it was a challenge yet fun having some planning, thought and visualising going on for these images.  Whilst some were disasters, there were a few I really like.

Do you have willing friends to assist you with your crazy projects?
And can I ask, which image is your favourite?



  1. These are amazing Brenda! If I had to pick, then there's something about the second last one that is really special and I keep going back to no 1 and no 3, or maybe that's due to the rather handsome model :-). Mel x

  2. My fav is the one on the bridge, so striking and dramatic.
    I also love the one of your friend with the bokeh behind her.
    Best way to practice is to just set yourself tasks.
    I'm always finding excuses to practise practise practise.

  3. These are just beautiful and what wonderful friends you have. I have to say the first one of your hubby stands out the most, it's a great angle and quite a powerful looking image. I also really like photo number 7, the bokeh in it is really beautiful. xx

  4. Absolutely stunning Bren! I think they are all magnificent but number three is perfect. No wonder you two have such beautiful children ;) Much love x x

  5. Would it be totally inappropriate if I was to tell you that I was ogling your hot husband?!

  6. Ummm, if I say PHWOOOAAR! will you be able to work out which ones are my favourites? (But your kids and the ladies are beautiful too!)

  7. The first 4 are exquisite and my favourites. Great work, Brenda!

  8. Yes to good mates. You're doing a terrific job. x

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  10. Oh, these photos are all so beautiful. While I love the picture of your umbrella holding duo, I LOVE the pictures of your husband. How handsome is. A keeper! xx

  11. These these are fantastic! You are very talented! X


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