
Saturday, January 12

weekly stills

A week split between city and country.  We headed back home for some work commitments but soon after were back up the highway to the calmness of country air and scene...A collection of weekly stills from moments of time in both. 

:: I have a little helper in the kitchen nowadays.  I quite like it and so does he. 
:: Time to sew....oh how it calms me. Final garment here
:: The side of the house...were I sneak to set up my tripod for fashion shoots (so the neighbours don't see!) 
:: Our holiday house...the back door which is also the front door - with the new nanna beads to boot. 
:: The old Massey Ferguson 
:: Flat tyre on the four wheeler 
:: Those nanna beads up close
:: The view from the kitchen window - with those roof tops and chimneys I just get all Mary Poppins like 
:: Finally the stabilisers came off and off he went...

linking up with Em.  how's your week been?  still in holiday mode?  I hope so xx


  1. Oh I love those Nana beads! And yay to your little man on two wheels. Your new home (for a time) looks so charming, homely and peaceful. Wishing you beautiful days here. Much love :) xx

  2. Lovely photos! Even though i enjoy living in the country i'm envying that view from your kitchen window - it's like stepping back in time :)

  3. Aaah, I feel so relaxed looking at your holiday house photos! And even the sewing.

    Go J! What a clever boy! I think our next catch up should include two wheeler bikes!


  4. Oh that jacket is so pretty, I just love it. Beautiful photos, have a great week!

  5. i WISH i was in holiday mode, oh holidays- come back!

    Love the tractor pic

    xo em


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