
Tuesday, January 8

moving country {a new blog}

If you haven't already figured it out (those on IG will certainly know)....this family of mine are moving country.  This year will be our final year in Melbourne and by the end of 2013 we will be farewelling life in suburbia for our new life on acreage a few kilometres from a lovely quaint historical country town.  To say we are excited is an understatement.  Not only are we excited about the prospect of a different pace of life, but we are moving back closer to family and a lifestyle we want for us and our children. 

To document the journey I started a new blog last year, aptly titled 13 acres.  It was so I wasn't bombarding this blog with all things building and moving.... I kinda wanted a little separate journal like  memento and it will be full of our dreams as we plan our life living off the land and building our forever home.  It also made me reflect on this blog here.  I've decided that this will also be a final year of blogging from MiraNarnie.  She has been a delightful little blog and I love this space, but I feel a transition from this blog my 13 acres blog will be wonderful transition when our move takes place.   

So come say hi over at my new space.


  1. Such exciting news Brenda! And as a former city girl now living in the country you are going to love it and all the adventures that will come your way. Looking forward to following you at 13 acres xo

  2. Wow! So exciting for you all:)
    We toy with it but the schooling options are what stops us and the idle teenager issue in smaller towns....typical of me to talk myself out of it!!!
    I'll be following your move with excitement Brenda:)

  3. Gosh, exciting news indeed! The photo looks lovely- very idyllic!

  4. Yay for you guys! it will be such an exciting time for you all! I'm off to 13 acres for a look around. x

  5. Very VERY exciting. I often dream of a change of lifestyle-pace!
    I look forward to watching this journey with you, through your blogs.
    Claire x

  6. SO exciting! The best thing we ever did was move to the country. Can't wait to follow you through the next chapter x

  7. seems I have found you at a very exciting time.

    good luck can't wait to see how it all goes.

  8. How do I not know about this?! See you there! x

  9. Oh, the word is OUT! I love that it's public now, and off to visit your new blog (again). I'm sure you've been posting more than when I last visited ;)

    Beautiful photo of your family, btw.



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