
Sunday, December 9

:: this week

This week feels like a it's been a harmony of ying and yang.  I can feel the busyness of Christmas fast approaching.  My deadline for handmade gifts is looming, yet, somehow items are getting made and that list is getting shorter.  It's been busy but calm, crazy but fun.  Make sense?

::  Gumboots - essential foot ware for roaming around long grass in country fields.
::  Beauty - finding fallen feathers
::  Vintage signs - showing the way...
::  Fields of red jewels - going strawberry picking would have to one of my favourite summer activities. Eat, pick, eat some more.  The stunning hues of bright red berries and the freshness that can only come from picking them yourself.
::  My little helper learning about the joys of this delight and carrying her loot back to her basket.
::  After one of my prints were included in the Made It newsletters the orders came in so fast, my head was spinning.  Not ever having to manage so many so quickly, I was lining them all up like soldiers checking, re-checking and labelling them all.
::  Essential packing items restocked.  Twine, and luggage tags.

What was on this week at your place?  Do join in the fun of sharing your weekly snaps over at Emily's gorgeous Shack!  Oh and don't forget to enter my wee little Handmade Chrissy give-away. 



  1. Oh these images are divine! What a beautiful weekend you ave had. And woo hoo to all your print sales. Yay for you lovely!! Hope your week is grand :) x

  2. Not only does it make sense, it's sensible! I think I'm aiming for 'busy but calm' in general, for always. x

  3. Had look at your Made it shop and I love your prints - especially the Romantic Movie Quote one. Clever lady! And I would love to be let loose in that strawberry field - delish! Have a great week x

  4. Beautiful photos, love the look of strawberry picking- a great summer activity.

  5. beautiful images, Brenda! I love those little hands full of delicous strawberries - gorgeous...and yum!

    Have a wonderful week :)

    Sar x

  6. ooh I can almost tastes those strawberries. amazing photos

  7. gumboots are so very essential here too. beautiful captures, beautiful space you have here. x ashley

  8. Yum! Fresh picked strawberries!!! Sooo jealous. I'm not sure how many would end up in the basket as I think they'd go straight into my mouth!

  9. I want to go berry picking too, what a delightful past time that is :)
    Woohoo, fantastic news on your store Brenda.

  10. Those strawberries look so lucious! Such a lovely outing for kids!

  11. gorgeous photos yet again!! Have a great week...don't forget to take some quiet times too!



  12. look at all those orders!! WHOOP WHOOP!

    thanks for joining in lady

    xo em

  13. Gumboots - of course. I remember someone telling me not so long ago that we call them wellies in the UK. It can be a very silly word sometimes.

    Nina x

  14. strawberries picking looks so fun.

  15. Hello to you, oh I miss strawberry picking. One of the things we always did in summers in the UK. Pick some, eat some... But raspberries were always my favourite. And all that jam!


Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx