
Thursday, December 13

noughts and kisses

In the lead up to the silly season it's easy to forget that also celebrate their day of birth at the end of the year.  A little friend of ours who only lives a stones throw away turned six.  Having a six year old myself, I thought of a cute little handmade gift that would come in handy come holiday time.

I have fond memories and my brother drawing up the grid in the back seat of the stinking hot car on our many road trips.  How many ways to win at noughts and crosses were mapped out in abundance.  Anything really to keep our mind off the heat and the drab highway scene out the window. Our legs would be plastered to the vinyl seat in 40 degree heat and Funbusters would be playing full ball on the tape deck.  Oh the joys.  With technology so entrenched in every day living, it's nice to go back to the simple things.

Jack, the recipient calls this game noughts and kisses, which I just think is the sweetest thing I deemed it should be re-named noughts and kisses too!

To make, it really is a cinch...uses up all those scrapity scraps you keep "just in case".  A few squares sewn together and quilted then edged in some homemade bias.   By making the little noughts & kisses from felt means that if one should be eaten by the dog or get lost in the abyss of the couch never fear - just cut another one out!

And if you want to see me in action making one....the delightful host Kirsty came by to visit me yesterday to snap my actual creative space {which really is like a change room!} so I'm over at Just B.  I must say Kirsty's post made my eyes well up reading her reaction to my little space.

Thanks so much Kirsty - as a long time follower and joiner of my creative space, you've been a pioneer in developing such a wonderful spot for blogging crafters to hang out and inspire one another.



  1. This is the sweetest noughts and kisses game I've ever seen, without a doubt. x

  2. Oh I have many scrappity scraps screaming to be made into noughts and kisses..brilliant Brenda.
    Loved Kirst's write up about you too, she's ace!

  3. can i just say i think this is about the best present ever! jack does love naughts and kisses and we have been playing it non stop x huge thanks and love to you x

  4. Bren! Noughts & Kisses is the BEST.


    all for you.

  5. I LOVE this! When I'm all settled and my new creative space is up and running, remind me that I really want to make some of these for birthday gifts next year! :) xxx

  6. Absolutely love your naughts and kisses game. It is quite hard to find handmade gifts for boys that are also cool. Well done! Loved the story over at justb. You look gorgeous and so does your space!!

  7. You are a crafting angel my lovely friend!! Was over the moon reading Kirsty's gorgeous (and so very true!) words about you and felt a wee bit sad that I can't pop into that beautiful space and share coffees and cake with you on a regular basis. You truly are a gem. Much love :) xx

  8. Hey Brenda - you may want to check out my Friday post! - Have a great weekend xo

  9. Bren, that has given me an idea for my nieces birthday! Love all the pics over at Just B. Woohoo for You!!!




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