
Wednesday, October 31

snap it {hidden}

It's the old adage....the kids love the packaging more than the item.  Well, in this case I'm not a coffee table was ever going to excite them...but the box it came in sure did provide hours of entertainment!  I think it will become a permanent fixture in the backyard until it literally falls apart.  When hubby came home last night from work, he got a surprise....what was hidden in the box?

The best two little parcels of course!!

Find something hidden in your day?

Join in here....


  1. So sweet!
    And amazing how much entertainment something so simple can provide! I love when my kids use their imaginations. xxx

  2. Nothing better to keep kids entertained, then a cardboard box!

  3. They are such cuties! The power of a box! x

  4. Hours of fun! My little guys always hides under my duvet - thinks he is so clever and that I can't possibly find him even though there is a huge lump of an outline of him :)

  5. Teehee :-)

    ps - Thanks for your comments on my Blog, lovely to meet you! Mel x

  6. Oh, I love it! A box is the best gift ever! I would have preferred the coffee table though ;) x

  7. Some of the coolest games I remember playing as a child involved big old fridge boxes! :-) x

  8. Nothing quite like a box to inspire! LOvely little ones you have there my friend :) x


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