
Tuesday, September 4

flying high

As the sun shines, the flower buds glitter, the warm freeze sweeps across my face blowing my hair in every direction.  Yes. Spring is here.  Finally.  It's time to throw open the windows and doors, adorn tables full of blooms and hang washing on the line (knowing it will dry!).

A collection of a few aprons made for a special customer.  My grandmother is heading back to her home country of Italy for a short visit.  She requested my help of making her sisters and other relatives some special Australian gifts. So I hunted out some aboriginal fabric at GJ's and  we spent the day together sewing, cutting and ironing, chatting, eating and laughing.  We made twelve of these gorgeous aprons and later on with the left over fabric I made her some key fobs which will be good for extra friends she finds along on her travels.

You may remember the last time I made so many aprons en masse - it seems like the perfect gift for an Italian Nonna!  And I could not resist hanging a few up on such a beautiful day to watch them flap about in the breeze....

And to my safe and have fun!



  1. SOunds like a gorgeous day! ANd what lovely pressies you've whipped up. Can't get enough of this gorgeous weather too. Hope all is lovely :) x

  2. The sunshine today was amazing! Love your aprons - a perfect gift! Travel safe Nonna!

  3. Your aprons look great! How wonderful it is to put the washing outside to dry every day, it's the best! x

  4. Aaah! Bring on the sun! Lovely photographs!


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