
Friday, September 14

fit for a fairy

A little friend had a wee little fairy party this morning.  The gift of course had to have a handmade element.  Me and my little fairy apprentice, set to work selecting some fabric from my stash for a lovely twirl-able skirt and with a little matching appliquéd tee we were sure we had an outift fit for any fairy.

It set of our own bit of fairy dancing.

Happy Friday to you all...where do all the weeks go?



  1. Oh Brenda that is cute. I'm sure Milly will love it!

  2. Just gorgeous! What a lucky little fairy. I adore your flitty little fairy in the background too. Have you started packing?!! Hope all is lovely :) x

  3. What a gorgeous outfit! I have some of that diamond fabric, it was so lovely seeing it made into something, I am yet to use it.

  4. How beautiful, so lovely to receive handmade gifts & this one looks very special for a little fairy indeed xo

  5. Nothing more special than a handmade gift
    And that one is gorgeous. We are off to a fairy party this morning ourselves!

  6. Goregous! Love a handmade outfit for a gift!!!

  7. Not only is the outfit gorgeous, but the photos. They speak for themselves! X


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