
Wednesday, August 15

snap it {small}

A little delivery this morning of fresh eggs.  The owner didn't have time to clean them, but knew I wouldn't find.  Of course, it's always a surprise how many we get, what size and even what colour (as often we get small gorgeous blue eggs.  Today it was a mixture of sizes, and my daughter loved the small eggs that it was perfect for todays Snap It theme.  It also made for an impromtu baking session in between casserole cooking and lunch.  A quick banana and walnut cake was whipped up and I'm just off to make a coffee and enjoy some freshly baked cake! 


  1. Small is better. Sweet snaps.

  2. how wonderful to have fresh eggs, there is quite a difference in those sizes isn't there? hope that you enjoyed your banana & walnut cake.

  3. Thanks for such a lovely comment Brenda. It made my day! When I get local eggs, they are often dirty to. Someone said to me that they stay fresher like that, but I'm not really sure how true that it. Happy birthday to your sweet little girl too. Don't they just grow up too fast?

  4. Oh beautiful. Our next chickens will be Araucanas from Chile, they lay blue, green, lavender & khaki eggs, plus they are gorgeous looking fluffy chickens too. I can't wait. In the meantime, our chickens are growing up & turning into roosters (nooooo) & our hens have continued to lay all through Winter, bless them. We even got 3 double yolkers from our smallest hen (they had strain marks on them, weighing up to 84gm) so tell your children to look out they might get lucky too.
    Now there is huge debate on whether or not to wash the eggs, we don't, just crack straight into the pan or mixing bowl, no problems at all. Love Posie

  5. yummy fresh eggs! Our chooks finally started laying yesterday. An egg each for breaky! Delish!

  6. There is nothing nicer than fresh eggs, my parents often bring me a dozen from their chickens and it's amazing to see how vivid the yolk colour is compared with store bought eggs. Yummy!

  7. Nothing tastier than freshly laid eggs on chunky toast....mmmmmm! Wish we had chickens....

  8. Oh I love the blue eggs! I so want to have chickens that lay blue eggs!!! Could go a slice of that yumbo cake right this second. :) x

  9. Fresh eggs straight from the farmer, you can't go wrong and a little dirt doesn't hurt any of us. Gorgeous photo of little girl Brenda. xx

  10. How lovely to know the eggs you're eating are the freshest they possibly can be, gorgeous photos and the small ones are very cute xo

  11. What a cute little egg! Just the right size for miss M. X

  12. Fresh eggs are just so divine. You will need to get your own chickens in soonest, Bren. x


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