
Thursday, August 2

my creative space {party hats}

Once a party is decided upon...all that be discussed is the making part of it. You make a list of the guests, you make the invites, you make a list of the games, the entertainment, a list of food that needs to be prepared, the cake that needs to be baked and the all important goodie bags, and decorations.

This week we tackled the party hats.  No store bought party hats here...on no sir-ee!  So I searched high and low through my craft room and was determined that it could be achieved without buying a thing.

Here is what you'll need to make your own fabric party hats.
  • - A template (use an existing party hat or download one from here)
  • - Some sturdy paper - I used some scrap 200gsm paper which was great at holding it's shape
  • - hot glue gun and heaps of glue
  • - fabric in whatever you choose 
  • - hat elastic
  • - stapler 
  • -'s whatever goes.  Leave them plain or jazz them up with buttons, ribbons, yo-yo's lace and any other trim you want. 

To get started...

  • Cut out your template and then all your paper and fabric leaving a good seam allowance for glueing 
  • Next warm up your glue gun and place your paper on the wrong side of the fabric and edge the paper with the hot glue.  Being careful not to burn yourself, glue the fabric to the whole paper.  Then glue along one straight side of the fabric at and twist it into a cone shaped hat.  Sit aside and let dry whilst your doing the others. 
  • Cut lengths of hat elastic and tie a knot in each end.  Staple to the side of the hat ensuring that you staple under the knot. 

  • The next bit is the fun stuff....decorate as you wish and have heaps of fun trying them on and enjoying the party spirit!
For a whole party of creative goodness check out Kidspot Village Voices! 


  1. I absolutely adore this idea! If only I had a kiddie party to plan...

  2. I love the photo with the finished hats!

  3. They are adorable. The small fairies will keep those forever... not like those boring paper hats that get all squished and icky!

  4. They are gorgeous! By far the best looking party hats I've ever seen, so much pretty. You're very clever xo

  5. they are completely fabulous!!
    I'm stealing this idea for sure :-)

  6. I am absolutely in love with these party hats. Every little girls dream! How pleased does the soon to be birthday girl look in that photo?!! You've done a brilliant job!

  7. I may be using this as inspiration for littlest KATs upcoming 5th birthday! You're such a clever cookie!!!

  8. They look great. I made one a few years ago as a gift for my cousins little boy (for hit to wear on his birthday) He loved it. What a great idea to make them for everyone.

  9. Wow they are so classy. Love them. Very clever.

  10. Oh these are gorgeous! Miss B. will definately be wanting some of these come her birthday. And doesn't your poppet look mighty chuffed with the end result. Lucky little girl : x


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