
Thursday, August 30

a night at the movies {treasury}

Movie Night

My Boys Movie Quote Print in a Treasury!  I think this has only every happened once, and I missed it, but this time I thought I would share it, as to be honest....I'm quite chuffed!  So excuse me whilst I just have a little moment of self congratulation. 

Prints available here (Etsy) and here (Made It)

Do you love a good treasury?  Do you make 'em or peruse them?  Colour code or theme them?  


Wednesday, August 29

snap it {new}

A new experience for my kids.
First time for both of them. 
Excited. Bewildered. Cold.
There was tobogganing, snow fights, snowman building
And a hot chocolate at the end of it. 

Thursday, August 23

my creative space {wrapped up}

In a vain attempt to add some Spring in my world, some colour in my life and de-winter myself early...I decided to throw all other projects to the side and whip up some colourful scarves.

A quick impromptu trip had me loaded up with some bright fabric and on a cold wintery raining weekend I hummed quietly whilst imagining that the sun was shining, the birds chirping and the breeze warm on my arms.  That was not the case, but I was determined to rid myself of all feelings Winter!

The first...a floral number!  A metre of fabric cut in half and then sewn to make it double the length.....frayed edges that took a tedious time but fine when copious amounts of tea were at hand and could even be achieved whilst playing Monopoly with the kids.

The second a funky bright scarf...the roll came in a 147cm length so I only bought half a metre but even that was too much.....I took a 25cm piece, sewing right sides at the longest length to make tube.  Turn right side out ironing the seam in the middle.  It was still too short for my liking so a panel of yellow added to each end gives me the flexibility of lopping it around my neck, if I choose to do so!

So two new scarves which the total cost came in at a mammoth $10.50
Yes, i know big spender that I am! 

Well, feast your eyes on more creativity at Kidspot! 

Tuesday, August 21

Tuesday delights


happy days to you

Friday, August 17

I'm grateful for {a splash of colour}

It's official!  I'm over winter.  Over. It!  There I said it!  I know there are not many days to go....(14 more sleeps) till Spring is here....but I would just like a little bit of sunshine and less freezing icy chill!

I'm noticing all the blossoms getting in early and giving me a lovely colour of pink and white as I walk to school....The magnolia's in their gorgeous hues of pinks and purples are ever so delightful, my snazzy purple nail polish my daughter insisted I needed or my bright coral I'll do anything for colour these days! Even the amount of full bright yellow lemons on so many front yard trees is enough to make this yellow crazy mumma jump the fence and bag me a bundle (but I don't of course).

So this week, I'm grateful for colour....because in amoungst the rain, wind and washing all the black clothes that is the Melbourne uniform I am appreciating colour even more.  The flowers, the gold cushions I made, my girl dressing in her brightest outfit or the stack of stunning colourful fabrics waiting for some much needed attention.  I love colour.  I tend to embrace it more...add more colour to my home, my wardrobe, my life.

Colour is good, colour is happy and life would be so dull without it!

What are you grateful for?

Join at Kidspot and now the fun continues on Instagram!  Add #52weeksofgrateful to your snaps and join in twice as much fun!

Thursday, August 16

my creative space {midas touch}

It was love at first sight!  Me and this gorgeous gold faux leather fabric!  Oh my....I think I may have squealed in the isle at Spotlight when I came upon her!  It was not really what I was looking see I was on a search for some bright jazzy fabric for some much needed new cushions for the new couch.....but was literally GOLD!   Perhaps it was the olympics that were having some subliminal powers over my subconscious, but I ended up buying enough to make two extra-ordinary large cushions for the couch.....but it didn't stop there.....

I speedily raced back to Spotty, a la Bolt style worthy of a gold medal myself, and purchased some more....

And I've whipped up some stool covers adding a bit of bling to the boring brown stools that really were in need of a quick cover -up.  You see, we only purchased them a while back, but little did we know that those little monsters, a.k.a children would be swivelling on them with such gusto that each bang and collision with the stone bench would render them dented and scratched!

I could take it no longer looking at those lovely once new stools looking so unkept, that the gold slip is just what they needed.....

The chairs and the cushions.....It's all gold here!  I have more leather left... I'm planning a summer tote bag....or perhaps a clutch....decision careful....if you visit I might just adorn you in gold too!

For more gold medal worthy accomplishments, play along at Kidspot Village Voices! 

Wednesday, August 15

snap it {small}

A little delivery this morning of fresh eggs.  The owner didn't have time to clean them, but knew I wouldn't find.  Of course, it's always a surprise how many we get, what size and even what colour (as often we get small gorgeous blue eggs.  Today it was a mixture of sizes, and my daughter loved the small eggs that it was perfect for todays Snap It theme.  It also made for an impromtu baking session in between casserole cooking and lunch.  A quick banana and walnut cake was whipped up and I'm just off to make a coffee and enjoy some freshly baked cake! 

Tuesday, August 14

The Fairy Party

Our little girl with the big brown eyes
you have now turned four, wow how time flies 
I remember, a babe in my arms
you captured our souls with your wonderous charm

I have adored watching you grow
The love filled in my heart, will you ever know?
The power it has, the deepest joy you bring
A bright little spark, you make this family sing

And here is the much anticipated Fairy Party! A little group of awe-struck miniture fairies captivated by a "real" fairy and her magical, amazing performance.  

A selection of fairy food (mainly fairy bread, strawberried dipped in white chocolate and covered in sprinkles, hot food included home made sausage rolls, the staples like chocy crackles and savoury sandwiches and of course the cake!   A Women's Weekly Birthday Cake book selection which never turns out like it does in the book, but this little lopsided mushroom cake fitted the theme of a fairyland party and in the end was fun to make! Although my little marshmellow mushrooms wouldn't play fair and kept toppling over!!! 

The Birthday Girl in all her party glory truely had a great party.  Dress made a few weeks back here. 

Thank you Fairies! 