
Friday, July 13

I'm grateful for {days together}

Gee I haven't blogged since last grateful day.

The holidays have captivated most of my time, and quite honestly....It's been lovely.  I've put my gear in neutral...I'm idling along and we all got away from the city for a few days as a family to breathe in some country winter air and it was....delightful.

So this week I'm grateful for....

Days together... Family days spent together, not doing much or doing heaps. Going out for dinner, trying new cuisines,  staying up past "bed time" and the general chit chat that somehow comes with owning a six and nearly four year old.  The endless games, requests for entertainment (our first visit to the movies was a success!) and of course being with the three people I love the most.  We've spent time doing the same things and time just doing our own thing in the company of each other.

Tell me what you love doing with your family?

And remember to join in here at Kidspot with Bron from Maxabella Loves 



  1. Lovely post Brenda
    I always find it hard to find the time to blog in the holidays.
    We love doing...all that you do...anything we do together is fun really.

  2. Yay to being in neutral gear and getting out of the city together, that sounds lovely!

  3. Last weekend we did plant a tree day, when we got home we were cold, so the kids all had a bath in the middle of the day and put their pjs on. It was the afternoon that was awesome.
    I sat on the couch and attempted to crochet, whilst the hubby played mario with the kids. it was sooo peaceful and relaxing.

  4. We've been doing just the same Brenda. It's quite a new thing for me, but I'm loving it!! Not quite sure if Im ready school/kinder/etc to start again on Monday...

  5. Beautiful! Trips to the park and visits to the beach to watch the waves and eat hot chips are favorites here! xx

  6. I'm getting more and more appreciative of the 'days together'. I guess when the kids were younger, having three little, little kids was just hard work. But now they are a little older and more independent (and, let's face it, interesting!!)... it's absolutely lovely. x


Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx