
Friday, June 29

I'm grateful for {....feeling spirited}

Source: via Brenda on Pinterest

I love being part of the Grateful Reunion Party.  I joined Bron in being grateful two years ago when she first started and I loved how the followers grew and grew and I got to share and be inspired by so many other gratefuls.  Lately I've been a slack grateful-er (sorry Bron, I'll pick up my game I promise!) I'm grateful that this reunion prompted my much needed kick up the backside to start taking a moment in my day to stop and be grateful...even for small things.  Because sometimes it's the small things that make up the bigger picture and make it all worthwhile. 

This week I'm Grateful for....

...feeling spirited....

After a week of pain, and finally getting myself and the family back to normal, I'm feeling the only way is up.  My spirit is increasing, the school holidays officially start tonight and our little family is making plans to make sure we pack a lot of fun into the next few weeks.  There will be catch ups with friends and family, road trips,  and just hanging out having fun. 

Is the best part of recovery the energy it brings, the feeling that it made you stronger, more determined and resolved to use that spirit for the better?  I do. 

Join in and be grateful and that BIG reunion party over at Village Voices!  Happy 2nd Grateful Birthday Bron! 



  1. It's great that you are feeling so great now - hope you have lots of fun in the holidays. :)

  2. It is so often'the small things that make up the bigger picture', I love this.
    Love that you're felling spirited, lovely post.

  3. I'm so glad you're getting back on your feet, Bren. The only way is up, I hear you!

    I, too, am getting there and bringing a renewed perspective. x

  4. Yes definitely - that renewed energy/spirit after being unwell feels amazing! Glad to hear you're feeling it! xx

  5. Life is all about the small things isn't it? I didn't always see it that way but Bron's linky taught me to appreciate the tiny things... So glad you're feeling better.

  6. Glad your feeling better (and spirited). Just in time for the holidays. Enjoy xx

  7. so glad you will be well for your holidays...enjoy!

  8. Great to hear things are on the up! Nothing like a bit of perspective and some positives to be found from the hard times.

  9. Glad to hear you are feeling so much better! x


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