
Thursday, April 19

my creative {garden} space...

Whilst on school holidays, the kids and I got up to some fun stuff.  One of which was spending a day with our friends at there house for a picnic lunch in the backyard, followed up with laughter, playing, chatting and coffee!  And whilst I've seen heaps of pic's of this gorgeous girls backyard, nothing prepared me for Real Life impact.  It is just so inspiring.  A planned veggie and herb garden, in the most amazing garden beds, all arranged with beautiful bricked paths that lead to the centre where a gorgeous persimmon tree adorns. I was even shown the beloved notebook of said gardeners and their rotational method, planting veggie's in different sections of the garden each year!

So of course days later, I finally put all my (miniature) garden planning into action.  I'd been planning a little vertical garden for a little while now, collecting things as I went, but the creative bug hit, and the last official day of the school holidays was spent digging, getting green thumbs and loads of warm sunshine!

My kids loved it!  We picked some herbs, lettuce, mini broccoli, and snow peas to start with.  I drilled some holes in old wine boxes, and even in some tins I'd kept.  The hanging baskets were stripped from under the shade of the tree where nothing will grow...and given a new spot right in the sun.  The pallet and ladder are road side finds and that bit of ply wood as been clogging up the shed for ages.  A few nails, some wire and bit of imagination with the chalkboard paint and voila!  A vertical garden!

So my creativity took me a away from the sewing room and into the garden..... that's the bit I love about being can strike anywhere.  Now head over here and get a look at all the other creatives out there!


  1. I too love that creativity can take on many forms :)
    This way of gardening is super awesome, especially for small spaces and I love the use of recycled materials you have used Brenda.

  2. neat how your kids helped

    your garden looks wonderful and it will be so good to use them too :)

    I had my holiday clean up in our backyard too just lots of pruning :)

  3. You are a Clever Cathy! i love the herb 'wall'! Well done Brenda.

  4. I love your creative mini garden, gorgeous!

  5. I can't wait til our reno is done and we can get stuck into our planned vegie and herb garden!

    Yours looks fabulous! You did a great job.


  6. Love it, Brenda. Gardening is the best fun with kids. Doesn't matter how much mess gets made!

    I like the black planters with the blackboard effect. Looks great. x

  7. What a cool idea! Kids just seem to adore getting into the garden don't they?

  8. i love this! i have to get into the garden more with my little one and create a space for her! x

  9. Oh that is a really sweet idea for littlies. Clever you and your children seem to be so happily dirty!

  10. Brilliant!!! You're little ones look super chuffed creating that awesome garden. And no doubt they'll gobble up anything they planted and then picked. You are so clever lovely girl...and what a gorgous Mumma :) xx

  11. Oh, I can't believe I missed this post until now! I love your garden, it's amazing how you've gone up. You're such a clever clog (that's what Bron would say!)

    How is it all growing?



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