
Tuesday, April 24

look how far we've come baby!

This is me and my bestie...Nicki.

We grew up together because our mum's were besties.  That's me in the hand knitted pink jumper and the blonde is my mate Nicki.  We grew up together but went to different schools then moved further away from each other, but no matter what we had the foundations of a solid friendship. One that endures months without even a phone call, but then nights spent laughing hysterically and doing all things together.   She is the Godmother to my first born.

The other day we were off on an impromptu visit to the Finder's Keepers Market.  There was loads of traffic.  It took me an hour to drive 7kms!  So we chatted... about my kids, her niece and nephew, my husband, her partner, my job, her job, my family, her family and then she dropped a bombshell.  My mate Nicki bought her first house!!!!  A real house, with a backyard, a bungalow, and cute little lace curtains.....and only a few minutes from mine!  We've already allocated a craft room! how far we've come!

It's gone from a childhood friendship to so much more. And it's moments like these that I realise we're totally grown up now.

When did you realise that you were all grown up?


  1. Such a heartwarming picture and an even more heartwarming story about how you're still besties these days <3

  2. Still waiting...

    Good luck to Nicki! How exciting! x

  3. What a fabulous bombshell to drop! Oh and I looking at the photo I see Miranda!

  4. what a beautiful thing to have, a life long friend :) thanks for sharing :)

  5. I had to look twice as I thought that was gorgeous Miss. M in the photo. She's just like a mini me of you!!! How wonderful that you'll be closer together. Cups of tea and chats so much more often...lovely! :) x

  6. I had to look twice as I thought that was gorgeous Miss. M in the photo. She's just like a mini me of you!!! How wonderful that you'll be closer together. Cups of tea and chats so much more often...lovely! :) x

  7. A new house WITH a craft room? Cute! And I love that you're going to be neighbours after living so far away from each other all your childhood!

    I didn't realise I was grown up until my best friend had her first baby. Totally spun me out!

    Sometimes I still have those 'can't believe it' moments. Do they ever stop?



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