
Friday, March 2

the challenge is over...

It's finally over!  I did it.  I wore a dress a day for the whole of February. 
Ok - I took one day off as I was too sick to get out of the trackies, so technically there are only 28 dresses up there - but I am still basking in my success at this challenge.  And it was a challenge as Melbourne and surrounding areas that I visited during this month threw at me some wayward weather.  From stinking hot to stormy winds, I was determined not to let a little heat or for that matter some rather icy winds get in the way. 

I'm pleased that this also help me get reacquainted with my wardrobe full of dresses.  For the purpose of this challenge I moved them all out of my room and into a lovely big antique wardrobe in our spare room.  I think they will stay there - it has been a delight to give them there own little space and a change of scenery helped me see them in a different light.  

I know that I wont be sticking to my few favourites, but venturing out more often and enjoying them all a little more that I once did.  Thanks to those that followed my progress on Instagram and those friends in real life who kept me honest!



  1. Well done you! What alot of gorgeous dresses. And bravo for sticking to the challenge. Throwing on jeans, a tee and a scarf is just too easy isn't it. When I'm not a walking milk bar 24 hours a day I may very take on your challenge and explore the caverns of my wardrobe and unleash a few old dresses on an unsuspecting public! Hope all is lovely in your world :) x

  2. You did great! And you looked fabulous every day!

    You have an amazing amount of lovely dresses, and I'm so glad that the weather treated you right during this project.

    Glad you've rediscovered your love for them and will be taking them out more.

    Gorgeous girl (inside and out)! xx

  3. This was a fantastic challenge to watch Bren. You have such pretty dresses. I'd get to day 3 and be stuffed if I tried!!!

  4. This was a fantastic challenge to watch Bren. You have such pretty dresses. I'd get to day 3 and be stuffed if I tried!!!


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