
Monday, January 9

you know you had a good holiday when....

1. You didn't leave enough time to sign off from your blog wishing all your fellow bloggers a Merry Christmas (sorry guys!)
2. You sang Christmas carrols whilst cooking Christmas ham and making Christmas ice-cream pudding
3. Santa visited (yes, both my children were good ones) and Christmas Day was a cracker!
4. You read 3 books in 14 days (pure bliss)
5. You took the kids bike riding in the park every night after dinner and played frisbee with hubby
6. You giggled with your kids when they beat you at every possible game (bingo, hungry catapillar, go fish and snakes and ladders!)
7. Watched Sleepless in Seattle and still cried
8. Went on a date with hubby
9. Enjoyed time with my girls (one of which is mine, the other two - my neices)
10. Went berry picking
11. Didn't blog or think of blogging or even have internet connection to check on any blogs.

But, now I'm back and here I am for 2012.  No grand entrance, but just to say I'll be hopefully popping around to visit you all to see how you have brought in the new year.  Any wishes, resolutions or plans?  Well I can't wait to find out.  As for me, well I joined in with Maxabella's one word for 2012 which was a great way to keep the resolutions simple.

I still have a more practical 2012 list.  You know what I want to acheive and all that.  So will get onto that and get back to you.

happy 2012


  1. Oh, your holiday WAS good. You had me at games with the kids, and reading so many books. Now, THAT is a wonderful holiday!

    I can feel your sense of calm in this post. And may it continue all the way through 2012! Love you beautiful girl!

  2. I've got my usual 'to do' list on the go. Some of the items have been on there or years! x

  3. Oooh I love the pictures. Happy 2012!

  4. may the new year bring you lots of lovely.

  5. Oh wow, wow, wow. It really does sound like you had an amazing festive season and you know, that's what's all about.

    I went in search for Sleepless in Seattle at my local Video Shop but it appears someone put it back in the wrong spot. Perhaps time to rent from itunes which I only recently found out, you can do that kinda thing.

    Enjoy your 2012 xo

  6. Happy new year! Hope it brings many happy days x


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