
Tuesday, November 15

at the movies.....

It was hubby's birthday a few days ago!  Happy Birthday to you my gorgeous man.
As you know I love the idea of giving a handmade I pondered. 
 Until an idea struck when we got together with a group of close childhood friends.  You see,  there is always, always part of the conversation where they throw in a movie line, have a guess, and then chuckle with laughter.

It usually prompts more movie lines and before you know they are reciting the whole God Father to each other doing their best Marlon Brando!

So,  I put together a bit of a collection
of hubby's all time favourite movie quotes, and framed it.

Can you recognise any quotes?  Most, are from your typical action/mafia/thriller movies. I did have to ask for a bit help, not being so familiar with this genre.  You'll find a bit of The Godfather, Wogboy, Top Gun, Scarface and Rocky.  Needless to say, he loved it!

I had so much fun making it, that my mind started racing.....

So I did a girly version too.  All my favourite flicks.  The Notebook, Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, When Harry met Sally, Pride and Prejiduce, Princess Bride and Titanic. 

Side by side, they make a lovely pair.

And to steal a quote directly from my children

"I love you infinite days" my sweet husband

Do you have a favourite movie quote? 
Do share?



  1. I really LOVE this idea. I am hopeless at remembering quotes from movies but my husband & sons are amazing at it. Mmmm.. I might think about this as a gift idea in the future, hope you dont mind if I steal your idea :)

  2. Love the idea! And lurrve the girl version. Love P&P (I went to Bath, UK last month and visited the Jane Austen Centre and went silly in the gift shop heh heh) and oh my gosh, Princes Bride rocks too.
    I also grew up quoting Willow, Labrynth, Cool Runnings, Star Wars, ... the list goes on but love this idea!
    Oh and happy birthday to the hubby.

  3. Happy Birthday to your hubby. That is one of the most original ideas I've seen in a while! What a great idea. And the matching 'his' & 'hers' - cute!

  4. i love this idea and so well done too. I am going to steal this idea and use it one day, it is brilliant. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Very clever idea - men are so hard to do handmade for but that is a very good one. Well done!


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