
Tuesday, September 6

Italia Part 1 - Food

Its kind of hard not to think of food when one mentions Italy... and we sure did consume a lot of it whilst there....From the brioche, cornetti's, gelato, pizza, pasta, antipasto, cured meat, cheeses, olives, bread and biscotti it was hard to make a choice sometimes!!  Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately), our cousin owns not one but two pasticeria's and it was a morning ritual to head to his bar for a Calabrian Breakfast.  Sometimes I'd get a brioche and iced coffee, other times I would get a gelato filled croissant with an espresso....One thing is for sure.  It was always delicious.  Here are some snaps of the amazing food that I remembered to capture, when I wasn't busy stuffing myself silly!



  1. Ok I am SO JEALOUS. I want some cheese and cured meat right now but can't...grr.... man I could go for some olives though. And bread. Ok give me everything except the coffee. (I'm only half italian.) hehe

  2. If only blogs allowed tasting! Those look delicious.

  3. SOOOOooooo didn't need to see this post right now. My neat little Sushi lunch is making me feel even hungrier! x

  4. Oh my. How GOOD does all the food look?

    I can hardly blame you for stuffing yourself silly. I would do exactly the same!

    Oh, so many tasty memories! xx

  5. Food done as only the Italians can do! Looks incredible. My hubby is second generation Italian. So I hear many stories of the food over there. My mother in law laments that the food just doesn't taste the same here..yes, even with the same recipe - the pork is different, as is the cheese and I could go on :)

  6. Welcome home:) The food looks absolutely delicious Brenda. How wonderful to experience such a wonderful time with family and get to indulge in such beautiful food. xo

  7. Yep, what is Italy without feasting on its famous foods. Lucky girl, you are. xx


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