
Saturday, September 10

I'm grateful for...{fairies}

Oh I'm so excited to be joining up with my fashionista friend Kymmie who is delightfully hosting Grateful day on behalf of Maxabella (whom we miss heaps!)

So, today I'm grateful for...

1. Fairies - well to be specific the Dummy Fairy, who I came last week and took all my daughters dummies to give to other little babies who needed them.  The Dummy Fairy left a small little present (jar of glitter, some Lark Daisy Lane swap cards and a little money).  This softened the blow of dealing without those much loved dummies, and to my surprise, my daughter hasn't looked back.

2.  Winter boots - seriously I don't think there is a winter item I love more than winter boots.....I've come back from a European Summer to the bitter cold of Melbourne weather.  But in the gloom, there is the silver lining of being able to wear my boots just that little bit longer....

3. Photos - they help explain memories and are nice way to reflect on times past.

what are you Grateful for today....Please pop by our host for this week and join in.



  1. Oh, that photo is divine! I have an image of the dummy fairies going to this place to 'hold' the dummies for the new babies. So cute!

    I wore my boots this afternoon - man, the weather was so beautiful when you arrived home. So sorry it's gone a bit sour since!

    And photographs. How I love them. It's like having a mini holiday all over again when you look at them. xx

  2. LOVE winter boots! Aside from coffee, restaurants and family being able to wear boots is one of the very best things about being back in melbourne.
    LOVING the holiday photos x

  3. We had a visit from the dummy fairy this year too! It worked so much better than I'd expected. I loved that you had glitter and treats (we just had a Christmas present each that we'd saved for later!) Gorgeous list!

  4. I need that fairy at my place, stat! x

  5. Oh I do love to hear a good dummy fairy story with a happy ending!
    Our little man has decided he will exchange his with Santa at Christmas time - here's hoping Santa comes through with the goods!


Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx