
Friday, September 16

I'm grateful for...{a little kiss kiss}

Welcome welcome, to all that have come over from our delightful Maxabella Loves as I play host to this week's Grateful Link up. Grateful Day has become part of my weekly routine...what about you?  I often think during the week, when something happens, or I have a moment and I often say to myself "gee, I'm grateful for that..."  And this linky is a fabulous way of sharing it....

So what are you Grateful for this week??

Today, I'm grateful for...

1.  Kisses - they come in many forms.  The pash from your loved one, the cheek kisses, the air kisses from friends and family, kisses planted on top of heads and those delightful little sloppy ones from children.  My daughter learnt to make that cute little "mshaw mshaw" noise, and now, her kisses are just that little more frequent!

2. Spring Time - yes, it's here (well, it was and then it went and now I think it's here again)....but you get my drift.  That lovely feeling of slightly warmer weather, longer sunshine-y days, more outside playing, washing actually drying on the line (the same day you put it out!), and spring cleaning!  Yep, I'm slowly making my way through each and every cupboard, nook, and cranny and tidying up this house and getting ready for awesome weather!

3. Ikea Catalogue - I know pretty naff!  But since it arrived in my letterbox last week, I've been reading it like a novel, pouring over all those gorgeous done-up rooms that have me marvelling at how efficient and amazing it all looks.  I've even made list (or should i say wish list!).  The problem is, actually getting the courage to go there (cue music from Jaws).  It's a daunting place. If only I could buy online!

Now you've come all this way, please play along with me today and link up!  Bron and I will be so excited if you do.....

Add your Grateful post to the list below (and please, we love you, but it really does matter that your post is one about being grateful, not just a random), and pretty-please add a link back to the list. Then pop over to visit other bloggers who are spreading a little sunshine... 


  1. I'm so with you on the spring - it's so nice that the mornings are lighter. All around at the moment blossom trees are blossoming. It is so beautiful. x

  2. I love my IKEA catalogue too. Just wish I didn't live quite so far from an IKEA these days...

  3. Thanks for having me to share gratefuls. Love that sailor photo, and I'm also a big fan of kisses & spring time.

  4. Well, looky looky here. Who's the lovely host this week?

    I love your list of gratefuls. Kisses? Can't get enough of them. If spring stayed long enough I'd be spring cleaning too! And Ikea. They've just opened a second store in Springvale. I'm sure that's closer than Richmond! Must go when it calms down there. Did you know that Monday or Tuesday night is the best time to go to Ikea? You miss the rush. Now, there's no excuse NOT to go!

    Get that wish list finished. It's time to go SHOPPING! (I'll help you!)

    Happy Grateful Day beautiful girl!


  5. There is nothing naff about the Ikea catalogue! I LOVE IKEA!

    Spring time is the best time of year. I love it!

  6. I'm LOVING this Spring weather! The air literally smells like Spring and it just makes me smile. Sounds like you have some beautiful things to be grateful for this week :) xxx

  7. Oh, it just got cold AGAIN here in Tassie. Wish it would make it's mind up! Hehe!! I'm now pining for summer... ;)

  8. Thanks for having us.
    Good gratitudes!
    The Spring teaser was wonderful - now I'm ready for the real thing. You hear that sun??!

  9. Kisses, yes! All the different kinds!

    Grateful, too, for finding your beautiful blog. Lovely here thank you for sharing your many gifts!

  10. Wasn't today wonderful in Melbs. Fingers crossed for the weekend hey!

  11. Using 'pash' in a grateful post is 10 points right there! What else do we really need????? x

  12. Use of 'pash' in a grateful post = 10 points right there. What else do we really need????

    Thanks for hosting, Bren. You know I love you and tour effervesance and I hope others do too. x

  13. i love that you are hosting, I love kisses, springtime and that wonderful ikea catalogue.

    Aidan & I went to ikea today, we had coffee & hot chocolate, did our shopping with the little kid trolley, bought some stuff & he got a soft serve cone because he was sooo good.

    you need to go!!

    big smooshy kisses to you gorgeous gal ♥

  14. Spring is definitely grateful link-worthy! I am also excited over the Ikea catalogue as my mum is in town this weekend and there is no better Ikea shopping partner.

    Thanks for hosting and sharing this week Brenda, pleased to meet you. :)

  15. Spring is my favourite time of the year, but I'll miss most of it... I've just relocated temporarily to the Northern hemisphere and it's all of a sudden autumn again. Early autumn is a great time, too, the weather has been great so far!

  16. Yay Brenda, so happy to be visiting you on this lovely bloggie day in my life too.
    Trust me, that is exactly how i kiss my soldier when he comes home from war!! That first kiss takes all the awkwardness out of missing him for 9 months & how we are together again. Love Posie

  17. One of the most special gifts that I've received this week was the huge hug and kiss that I received from my 3yo niece when I arrived for a holiday at her home last night.

    Snap to the Ikea catalogue - I'm hoping to spend at least an hour dreaming away this afternoon.

    Happy weekend Lovely!
    xx Felicity

  18. I love kisses too. Especially the lovely smoochie ones from Miss 2 (and of course kisses from Hubby)

    And Spring! So glad it has returned. Now, if I could only get motivated to do the spring cleaning!

    Thanks for hosting. Love your beautiful blog.xx

  19. I love reading (and re-reading) Ikea catalogues, too! Glad that you are hosting this week's gratefuls, Brenda.

  20. I am addicted to Ikea too. We live a fair way away - for which my bank balance is grateful!

    But kisses? They are free. I love them. My son is a great smoocher.


  21. Love Ikea too - my bank balance is grateful that I do not go too often!


  22. Oh my ikea wishlist is so long - mostly its that we lived in the same city!!
    I've had special sick kid kisses today - luckily on the improve now.

  23. Nothing like a good 'pash'!

    Hope you are having a gorgeous weekend Lovely Lady.


  24. Ah Spring, beautiful Spring. There's nothing else I love more, and tis why I'm getting married in three weeks in this glorious season. I've got the Ikea catalogue on my bedside table - how naff is that! Thanks for hosting. xx

  25. I'm with you on IKEA online - would be so much easier! My kids are hell at IKEA, but I love it and I'm a complete sucker for punishment.

  26. aaahhhh Spring and Ikea ! What more could you ask for?..of course.....a kiss for your troubles !
    Loving that you are hosting and love this post.
    Have a great weekend, Dee

  27. oooh my little Miss 3 has just discovered the smooch and its so warm and cute!! As for Spring, I have been counting down forever it seems like! : )

  28. I love planting little kisses on the top of my 4 month old daughters head. Her sweet baby smell! I love planting kisses on her belly too as it makes her laugh and smile! Kisses are a wonderful thing to be grateful for

  29. Spring is my favorite time of year, here it is fall and I'm missing springtime. I'm with you on Ikea, love their catalog but the thought of going into that overwhelming maze of a store is something I think I will always put off.

    Nice post by the way. ;)

  30. I confess I took the "no junk mail" sticker off our mail box a couple of years ago JUST so I could get IKEA catalogues... (unfortunately they don't seem to deliver them to our home anymore, so I'll need to make a trip there soon... (oh, and I do like kisses and springtime too, really I do!)

  31. I so get the catalogue obsession - each week on a Friday we are inundated and I pore over them like I'm reading Jane Austen ;)

  32. Now that's an envy worthy coat. I've been resisting grabbing something from ASOS but now am compelled to have a "browse" again. Thanks!

  33. I got my Ikea catalogue a few weeks ago, and I'm not sure if it's something I should be grateful or a curse.

  34. Still waiting impatiently for my IKEA catalogue, I have the iPhone version but its not the same as the real deal.
    Kisses are adorable in all forms!


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