
Tuesday, September 20

DIY - road side find... {before & after}

 I love a good DIY project...and these lovely wooden chairs I found whilst walking around our neighbourhood a good six months ago during hard rubbish.  I was actually going to leave them, as I was walking with the two kids and it began to rain....We decided to cut out walk short, and I saw these beauties.  But, it was raining, and I had a little one that didn't want to walk any further.... So i reluctantly left them...

So we walked back home...and my son said "mum, lets just drive back and get the chairs..." 
"Oh terrific idea!"  I said! 
And so these chairs have sat idle in the shed waiting for a re-vamp. 
They are sturdy and only one little spoke needs some attention, but otherwise I knew a lick of paint would see them sparkle again. 

I set off to Bunnings, for some spak-filla, some paint and brushes.  I sanded, and wiped, I brushed and spent the weekend with the sun on my back and paint brush in hand watching these chairs that were destined for the scrap heap get a second chance....

And here they are.....In all their painted glory! 

 I struggled to decide on a colour, and then wandered around the "miss-tints" shelf at Bunnings.  Its a shelf of varying paint cans all incorrectly tinted and so, drastically reduced.  Seeing as I am not familiar with the whole DIY furniture re-vamp,  I also wanted this to be a minimal cost exercise....
So when I spotted this gorgeous blue - 2L for $20 I grabbed it as well as a small 500ml pot of grey/beige for $4, which I painted the bottom of the legs, just for contrast. 

And here is my own little stylist taking some snaps of the new blue chairs....

Have you had a road-side find re-vamp? 
I think I'm looking forward to the next hard-rubbish!!! 


  1. These chairs are OH SO GORGEOUS! I love finds on the side of the road that look like they've had their day. And then you work your little magic and voila - beautiful!

    I LOVE the colour (and your little photographer). I could eat her!

    Job well done. Now... where to put them? In the house or...?

  2. Nice work! What colour did you use? I love it! xx

  3. can't wait to sit on one with one of your lovely lattes in my hand x

  4. Wow! Your chairs have come up so that colour.
    I have found a few things on the side of the road now and with a little tlc and a lick of paint they always come up spiffingly :)


  5. What a brilliant find my dear friend! But what an even better makeover!! Love that colour...did just the thing at Bunnings this very morning...those miss tints are the way to go. Wish I could come and try one out. Hope all is lovely :) x

  6. that blue is just gorgeous
    we got a whole job lot of cafe chairs one day - still waiting for the revamp though!

  7. LOVE a good road side find - I swear one day during hard rubbish collection I am going to have an accident as I pay more attention to the 'finds' than driving !
    Your chairs (and stylist) are beautiful.

  8. What makes these chairs more fabulous is the fact that you toiled over it. Hats off to you, Brenda.

  9. YAY for new chairs! It's a great colour. And love the I&S cushion too, did you make it? I love their stuff. xo

  10. What a brilliant find, and the colour is gorgeous!!

  11. Gorgeous! I have a road-side-found chair patiently waiting for its revamp... soon...


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