
Friday, July 29

I'm grateful for....{ciao ciao}

Yes, joining in with Maxabella Loves as I have every reason to be Grateful! 

Today I'm Grateful For....

1.  Overseas Travel....depending on when you read this post - me and my little family will be taking off on the beginning of our overseas adventure. 

2. My pocket Italian translation book -So che inizialmente sarà la mia bibbia, ma I' la m. che spera di guadagnare la fiducia per lasciarla è e per comunicare appena il colloquio!

3. reunions and new family - during our travels, we will be reunited with family already known, but will get to meet others for the first time.  


English translation for number 2
"I know that initially it will be my bible, but I'm hoping to gain the confidence to just leave it be and talk the talk!" 


  1. Very exciting- have a lovely time on holidays.

  2. Have a terrific time when away and do tell all about it.

  3. Yay for you, just love the idea of Italy, was there this time last year, it's such a fantastic country. One word you must know is "Saldi" it means sale & there will plenty of them, buy up, the Euro is so reasonable right now.
    Have the most fantastic time, can't wait to hear about your adventures, love Posie

  4. Oh, how exciting! Have fun!!! Very envious indeed! :)

  5. Have an amazing time Lovely Lady! Can't wait to hear about your travels when you get back.

    Stay safe.


  6. Here's to exciting adventures....have fun!!


  7. Sounds fabulous! A wonderful thing to be grateful for!
    Enjoy your Italian adventure and drink some great Chianti whilst your there!


  8. Wow! Enjoy! Definitely something to be totally grateful for. B xx

  9. I am so thrilled for you, Bren. What a stunning adventure for the fam to experience together. I miss you already, but can't wait to hear all about it! x

  10. Buon viaggio!

    Hope you have lots of fun with your little and big family!

  11. Enjoy yourself Brenda, so very very exciting.

  12. I'm so excited for you (and just a teeny bit jealous too). Just imagine how many wonderful memories you are going to create for you, your hubby and your littlies. Take lots of photos. For your memories, and also for us too ;) xx

  13. oh wow have a fantastic holiday! i know a little italian, but not very much, and a lot of it is hand signals anyway. haha! enjoy your holiday xx

  14. I would love to be in your shoes! Ciao, bellisima!

  15. Safe travels Brenda and I hope your holiday will be FANTASTICO!!!
    Ciao bella. :)

  16. So, so exciting - have a wonderful, wonderful time!!!!!! Thanks so much for the gorgeous prize package that came in the mail last week - so much goodness in there - love it!!!!


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