
Saturday, July 9

I'm grateful for..... (nostalgia)

Joining in with the beautiful minded Maxabella Loves, on this day to be Grateful.

Today I'm grateful for....

1.  Heading home - I took the kids up to the country town where my mum and dad live, and I spent a lot of my childhood.  It's a small country town that is very sleepy during the winter months.

2. Nostalgia - The return home meant re-living some memories that I enjoyed as a kid.  Above is a picture of the dodgem cars that are at a very small and almost vintage entertainment park.  The kids had an awesome time, just like I remember spending waaaaayyyyy to many hours doing the exact same thing when I was small.

3. Country Op shops - Whilst my kids were entertained by grandma, I got the hit the country op shops.  Why are they so much better than city ones?

Happy Grateful day - Join here. 



  1. hanging out in the country town where I grew up isn't that exciting. lol.

  2. Sounds like the perfect day, Brenda. I love returning 'home' and it is so delightful that my children seem to love my old house and hometown as much as I do. x

  3. Oh yay for going home. I have a bit of a soft spot for dodgem cars, they are one ride i let the children go nuts on at fairs, they are so much fun & yes, the memories!! Enjoy buying up the local op shop finds, brilliant, love Posie

  4. I really envy that your parents still live in your childhood home. There is something about that I long for. I grew up in Darwin and left when I was 13 and haven't been back since. We spent our whole lives moving around, and when I hear about people who visit their parents at their old bedrooms, parks, and homes, I just get soooo sentimental.

    Probably, almost as much as you ;) So glad going home is such a delight. Such a beautiful, beautiful thing to be grateful for!


  5. Oh, dodgem cars! Such a great memory! I love you blurb--I've loved sewing since before it was cool too! Hehe. I love your blog! :)

  6. Luxuriating in nostalgia is a very special reason to be grateful. Memories is what life is about really

  7. oh how I long for a country op shop...I am sure that the op shops here are the worst in the world...first time here and I must say what a wonderful blog xx

  8. Oh this is so nice - I particularly like the bit about nostalgia. It is so nice to revisit places that you frequented when you were young. I popped over from maxabella, and glad that I did! x

  9. It's not the country, but my parents still live in the small city where I was born and raised and I don't think they will ever move...the place holds so many memories for me and the generations before me :)



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