
Tuesday, July 5

i ♥, u ♥, we all ♥ - Maxabella L♥ves


well, have you heard?

Maxabella Loves is having one HUGE giveway to celebrate her epic achievement of 1000 followers.  This acheivement in itself it awesome, and an inspiration to just how fantastically powerful blogs can be.

I remember when Maxabella Loves was a newby, a little fresh up-start blog, and *ahem* had fewer followers than me!

Hhahahahahah!  How weird does that sound now.  Look at her now!  All popular and, well, amazing.  But that's not to say it was easy.  I reckon it takes a special someone to have an amazing blog.  To make us want to come back, time and time again, day in day out.  To make us laugh, cry, wonder, ponder, think and decide.  To write critical words to get the message across, as if, she's sitting in our lounge room with us (kids running havoc of course), and just having a chat.

You may remember the celebration when Maxabella Loves hit 500 (yes little MiraNarnie was apart of that) - So of course, the natural progression when one hits 1000 has to be something just slightly more momentous!

So, whilst I'd love to just talk madly about Bronwyn, lets get back to the point at hand.

Bronwyn has totally outdone herself here and is offering one lucky winner an amazing Party Outfit from a selection of gorgeous fashionistas (Leona Edmiston, Shoes of Prey and Elk).

wow!  Amazing right.

So click on the button below.  Get commenting. Enter. Enter. Enter Enter.

Party Giveaway at Maxabella loves...

Congrats Bron on hitting the mark!



  1. Fabulous promotion, you deserve your extra entries, go girl!! I was also part of the 500 follower Maxabella giveaway, that seems like a blink ago. Love Posie

  2. Thanks Bren. Your words mean so much, even though I am hideously embarrassed by all of the attention the giveaway is generating for me personally. You know? Even for a raving praise junkie like me, it all seems so much. Next Giveaway I think I'll remove the 'blog about it' entries because people are just too kind!!!

    Thank you. x

  3. Oh, you are such a great friend, and all you said is completely true. It feels like yesterday when she had as many followers as us. And look at her now!

    It is a fabulous way to celebrate, and I sure am hoping you win that amazing giveaway (win-win!)



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