
Friday, June 24

what would you do....?

Ok, so I was catching up with my bestie last night.  Just chill-axing on her couch.  her baby asleep. My kids back at home asleep in their beds thanks to their Dad.

It was lovely just to talk uninterupted (oh hang on - only to stop to put chocolate bullets in my mouth) and still I attempted to chew and talk at the same time. 

We talked in super-sonic speed. 

We listened.  Empathised.  Congratulated each on small achievements. And spoke of things to come. 

Somehow a questions was pondered with great enthusiasm and I have been thinking about it all day....

"What would you do if you had a day off from your life?" 

Yep, no work, no kids, no responsibilities, no chores or deadlines.  What. Would. You. Do?

To be honest, this questions just seemed so bizzare and overwhelming that I sat in silence unable to even think of one thing.  But, then they just started pouring out.....

so in no particular order....

1. Sleep in
2. Find a cute cafe and endulge in a full breaky, coffee, a mag (or maybe a friend) and just.....linger.....
3. Go shopping perhaps somewhere i've not been before.  Or just try and find some undiscovered Op Shops around the town...
4.  Finally use my membership at the Melbourne State Library.  And just sit there and read for a while. 
5. Take a walk somewhere gorgeous to snap some pictures
6. Get a pedicure
7. Empty out my entire sewing room and rearrange Every Thing! 
8. Sew, sew, sew and do more sewing.
9. See a play
10. Restore some old furniture

Ok, I think I could go on, but considering this is only one day I think I have more than enough! 

So, what would you do?  

Please share! 



  1. a very similar day to yours! a walk, cafe, craft shopping, book store browsing, some crochet or sewing and a really good dvd for the evening :)

  2. sounds like the perfect day Bren!

    my favourite ever days just before kids were on a Sunday where I would wake up go for a long walk listening to music, go to the gym and walking back home I'd buy the sunday paper with the mags & go home make a yummy chai & just read everything.

    that would be my perfect morning...may have to think about the rest of the day ♥

  3. Have a meal or even a coffee out without being rushed, visit all the op shops in town in one day; leisurely peruse the pattern books at a fabric shop and actually finish a sewing project!

  4. I would read, sew a little, do some op shopping, book browsing and spend some time with my SLR camera, learn how to use it properly and then go for a walk to take photos of nature.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You perfect day sure sounds like my perfect day too. But if only the day was a very, very long one. It would be the only way to squeeze in all those wonderful things!

    And hanging out with your bestie eating chocolate bullets also sounds like a pretty fabulous day too ;)

    Bullets are my FAVE!

  7. Oh, and I would add one more thing - a full body massage and a stylist to dress me up (oh, and free $500 credit on my credit card)... a girl can dream, can't she?


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