
Tuesday, June 7

what a week {and a recipe}

Well, I'd like to officially say that I would be happy not to have too many weeks like last week - phew!  Glad all that hectic, crazy stuff is over.  I'm sad I missed the Sugar and Spice Market, and can't wait to hear about how it all went.

And it's nice to be back blogging and checking out all the stuff I missed (which wasn't much, as I was still keeping my eye on your all, just not commenting as much!)

Thanks so much for all the lovely comments and heartfelt thoughts.  And thanks to my friends in real life, that saw my blog post, and picked up the phone to check all was ok.  All is ok - now.  My dad had to go and scare us all and in the end, he had some surgery (or as he called it "servicing a vintage model") and is now much better.

So I thought i would share a delicious little totally made up Lemon Slice.

This is totally made up, because I assumed that I had all the ingredients to make my very fail-safe lemon slice recipe I use all the time.  Half way through  and I discovered I did not.  Oh well, too late to stop now - better just wing it - and I did!  And you know what - it's better, so I think this will become my fail-safe!

What you need;

1 packet Marie biscuits or the like (around 250g)
1/2 cup desiccated coconut
Can of condensed milk
200g butter
juice of a lemon
grated rind of a lemon

lemon curd (or lemon butter)
1 egg white
1/2 cup caster sugar
1-1/2 cups desiccated coconut

Preheat your oven to 160 degrees

1. Crunch up your biscuits.  i like to keep some larger pieces in their, as it adds a nice texture.  mix with the coconut and lemon rind.
2.  Melt the butter in a saucepan on the stove top and add the condensed milk and lemon juice.   when combined add to the biscuit mix, place in a lined baking tin and press down.  Refrigerate whilst you make the topping.
3. Get the base out of fridge and liberally apply a layer of lemon curd all over.  Mix up the topping ingredients and sprinkle on top of the base, ensuring an even coverage.  Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes or until the coconut is golden.



  1. Glad all is well now! And hello, this winged lemon slice looks geeewd. Mmmmm. xo

  2. Glad that everything's a-ok now. Hugs to you for surviving the week and ending it beautifully with this fantastic treat (both the blog post and the Lemon Slice).

  3. Glad to hear your daddy is ok, they keep us on our toes don't they?? There will always be another market, love Posie

  4. that slice looks deish!! And your dad sounds like a real character - I'm sure that lovely attitude has served him very well over the years. Glad to hear he's doing okay :-)
    hope you're having a good week

  5. Yummy yummy yummy! I'm going to make this tomorrow to take on our trip to Canberra.

    I missed your post last week, Bren. I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad, but very happy that after a 'service' he is on the mend. Those vintage models are the best kind in the end.


  6. I hope your Dad is on the mend.
    The slice looks yum! Am going to have to try that one :)

  7. Oh no what a fright all of you had with your Dad. I'm glad that he's feeling better, I like his analogy:) This slice sounds yummo, I love citrus recipes:) xo

  8. oh you had me at lemon, looks delicious, glad to hear your dad is on the mend

  9. Anything with condensed milk wins me over every time ... looks so yummy!

  10. Oh Brenda, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad! See, I've missed out on major news, Is everything okay now?

    Love to you all. It's awful when you're not close. I hope you were able to drive up to your home town to be with him last week.

    And on a delicious note... guess what I'm baking this week? This looks to die for. xx


Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx