
Tuesday, June 28

stranger in my own city....

I got to go into the city yesterday - for the whole day. 

I booked into some training for professional development and whilst a friend was looking after the kids for a few hours in the morning and hubby was taking the rest of the day off - I got to be a commuter for the day. 

It wasn't until I got on the tram and took the bumbling ride into town that I realised how much fun I was having.  I read my book, gazed out the window to enjoy the scenery, then strolled up Collins St for a while, just joining in all the mad rushing city folk getting to work. 

I felt like a stranger in my own city.  I don't often frequent the CBD.  There is really no need. So I gazed, and wondered and enjoyed the moment.  I marveled at new buildings, old buildings, the hussle and bussle and just the atmosphere.   I think people could have spotted my thrill a mile away.  I'm suprised no-one tapped me on the shoulder to say "I'm sorry Ma'am, too much enjoyment on your face for a Monday morning - get back to the burbs!" 

I was early to training so took a detour to Bourke St, one of my favourite places - Pellengrini's.  A cute little italian run coffee bar.  I got a quick espresso then headed off to learn all about reflective counselling and mindful parenting (all very fascinating actually!). 

I did a sneaky thing and skipped the sandwiches and instant coffee on offer for lunch and headed solo back to Pellingrini's for scrumptious pasta and another caffeine fix, then purused a gorgeous second hand book shop.  

Afterwards, another stroll down the Paris End of Collins St (where people actually have to line up and wait to get into the Channel Store!). 

More reading on the tram home - to be greeted by excited children and a husband finalising dinner on the table!   I'm sure if I had to commute every day it would be a drag, but as a one off, I think it made me feel like a tourist. 

Do you enjoy exploring places in your home town that you often don't get to visit? 


  1. I am definitely a stranger to Perth...we have been here 2.5 years now and there are still many places waiting for me to discover them :)

    Would totally love a day to do just that.


  2. Oh my goodness - when we were posted to Melbourne Pelligrinis was one of our favourites. We just loved their granitas - probably more of a summer thing though!

  3. Gorgeous you, Bren. I can just see you there all wide-eyed and loving it. What a great thing to do - I love to do it too, although I see enough of the Sydney CBD to keep me more than over it!! x

  4. Your post makes me miss Melbourne. I lived in the heart of the CBD for about a year and loved it- especially the cafes

  5. a couple of years back I was having a girls weekend away, and my canberra friends ended up coming to stay in melbourne. I was completely ok with this because staying in the city kid free was as good as being interstate. I don't get in there very often anymore but it is fun.

  6. Brenda that sounds just so lovely! I think the sneaky lunch was just genius too btw!!
    I think once the weather warms up a bit I might just have a go at an outing like this myself.
    Before kids I would get into the city really early in the mornings with my hubby (he always starts sooooo early) and then walk up to my work at melb uni. I just adored really really early mornings in the city when nothing is awake. Melbourne is so lovely!
    Thanks for reminding me :-)

  7. Oh, I LOVE this post! I can just imagine you loving it all. And yes, smiling away looking gorgeous as well!

    I feel like a tourist in my own city often. And I think I visit the city as irregularly as you! But to do it without children and then go to your favourite place, not once, but twice, sounds like one very decadent day!

    I think another night in the city sans children sometime soon sounds like a plan (and especially the bit about hubby cooking dinner too sounds fabulous!) xx

  8. sounds pretty perfect to me although you know me i'd of gone a vino with lunch !!

  9. oooh I love Pellengrini's! What a great day you had :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog x

  10. I love being in the hustle and bustle of the city as a little respite from everyday life. I would have been just like you!


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