
Saturday, May 14

I'm grateful for....meeting bloggers

I know this post is a long time coming!   I've been meaning to post for it for a while, and then have a missed a few

Today, I'm grateful for.....

1.  Meeting bloggers in real life.

During the school holidays I got the chance to arrange a little catch up with Kymmie from Day in the Life of Us and Cate from Keep Cate Busy!

Wow - what a whirlwind of a morning with the three of us (and a combined seven children!)  and Cate having to overcome a flat tyre and long wait for the RACV.  And what lovely ladies they are in real life. I'm grateful that through blogging, I've been able to meet some wonderful, inspirational and truely talented folk, that I otherwise would not have had the privilege of knowing.

It was like we were already acquainted (well, in the virtual sense) and we just picked up conversation like old friends, shared breakfast, helped each others kids with what ever it is they were requesting, and had a good belly laugh!

I'm lucky I even have these snaps, as it wasn't until I was leaving that it dawned on me, that not one single photo was taken!  I quickly shoved the camera into my son's hand.....

and this is what he produced.....

Kymmie and I were like a giggling pack of school girls, for he was trying so hard to get a picture of our heads.  I resorted to trying to take the picture myself, but we couldn't control the laughter!  Lucky he had taken the very first picture perfectly and I didn't realise till i got home.

Thanks lovely ladies, for making meeting bloggers so much fun!

Join in with this special blogger (whom I'd also love to meet in real life) as she has her own meeting bloggers story to tell!



  1. lol Wonderful Photos, you ladies look like you had a great time..

  2. Gosh I love that necklace you are wearing!!! It's gorgeous :-)

  3. I can imagine how it would be. The connection already there and the extra special thrill of actually meeting.

    jill x

  4. Don't the 3 of you have 9 children (sorry, i stalk all of you) & i just love that not only do all you mummies get on like a house on fire, so do the children!! It's like we are all blogging for the same lovely reason - crafty, family, happiness & friendship. What a great catch up. Still jealous you got to meet them & Cathie from m.e - she's so dreamy. My school holidays was hunting down bloggers from Brisbane to Sydney, told you i stalk!! Love Posie

  5. As Maxabella and Multiple Mum put it, I'm so glad our URL turned into an IRL!

    Still giggling about those photographs though!

    Did we make a time to do that again? Hmmm, I think we need to organise that girls night out!


  6. Oh yes yes yes - let's do it again!! And this time I'll make sure I have a back up vehicle :-)
    Such a great day!!

  7. The three of you are three of my absolute fave bloggers. I remember expressing intense jealousy on Kymmie's site that you got to meet up. I think it was the catalyst to make me want to go to the Top 50 party. So, THANK YOU, three lovely bloggers (with the cutest kids imaginable - besides my own of course!). x

  8. Oh, it looks like you had an absolutely fantastic time! Love the headless photos. :D


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